Awkward Walk Home - 1

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*This is my first ever fanfic, so any feedback would be great! Good or bad. Hope you guys like!*

*Annah POV*

It was a normal day in the summer holidays, and me and my best friend Tegan had been out shopping as normal. "Okay, I'll see you later!" I called to her. "Okay see you soon! Text me yeah?"

"Okay, bye!"

I was walking home to my apartment, and i started to feel drops of rain land on me, getting heavier and hevier untill it was pouring with rain.


I didn't even have a rain coat with me. I started to feel hungry so I made my way towards a small corner shop to buy a snack and a newspaper article caught my eye.

"Man gets killed and his blood drained by wild mystery animal in the local woods"

With an added photo of a body with two tiny holes by the neck. Well... that's creepy.

The worst thing is I have to walk home that way.


I bought a packet of cheesy Doritos and left the shop heading for the woods.

When I got there it wasn't even borded up, which I honestly thought would have happened due to safety reasons.

I really feel paranoid about walking this way, but the usual path I take has been borded up due to editing the roads.

I walked into the woods and the air was cold and smelt damp from all the rain. Its ment to be summer, not rainy weather! I stopped and had a little look around.

No trace of animals anywhere. Not even footprints.

Well adleast I was sheltered from the rain here.

I let our a sigh before starting the walk. Almost half way through I had this feeling that someone was watching me.

All of a sudden I heared a branch snap from behind me. I casually glanced around incase someone else was walking through. Nobody was there.

I bit my lower lip and played with my silver necklace nervously. I was still looking backwards when I bumped into someone.

I let out a small yelp and I dropped Dorito packet and they all fell out.

"S-sorry.." I mumbled in embarrassment to the guy avoiding eye contact, picking up the empty wrapper and shoving it in my jeans pocket.

"That's fine." he replied softly in an Irish accent not moving an inch. I turned to look at him. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

He wore a long black coat with the collar pulled up that slightly covered his face. His hair had brown roots that graded blond as it spiked into a quiff. His eyes were crystal blue and they were piercing down on me. Also he was really hot.

He let out a small chuckle as if he heard my thoughts and he tucked some of my natural blonde wavy hair behind my ear. "I uh... Sorry, I should be going" I said to him awkwardly as I pushed past him.

All of a sudden I felt a cold hand grip my arm and pull me back.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here alone?" He asked in his thick Irish accent that was unbelivably hot.

"Heading home, actually." I shot back to him.

As hot as he was, he could have been any kind of creep. I tried walking away again but he carried on talkomg.

"These are dangerous woods ya know."

"Then why are you here?" I replied turning on my heel to walk off not expecting an answer.

"If only you knew!" he said in a mocking voice before laughing. I started to get mad so I just shook my head and carried on walking away.

All of a sudden he was surprising silent. I looked behind me again and he had vanished. I shook my head before carrying on walking.

All of a sudden I saw a black blur come towards me and push me against a tree. I tried pushing the thing off but it wouldn't budge.

A human couldn't move that fast... I looked up to see the same guy looking down at me.

Only he was a little different... His eyes were glowing red.

Panic surged through me as I tried my hardest to push him off.

"Get off me!" I screamed at him. He was really strong. He let out a low laugh.

"No point in struggling, princess" he whispered in my right ear making me shiver right down to my feet. I stopped and looked up at him breathing heavily.

His eyes were definatley red. That's NOT normal. Only now I noticed how pale he was, and his pink lips were slightly parted.

But what I saw next was terrifying. He had fangs. This made sence now.

"Your the reason that guy got murdered here wasn't it?! Not an animal at all!"

"Shame ya wont live to tell the tale." he whispered before exposing my hair from my neck. I felt so helpless.

"No please..." I squeaked  helplessly.trying to move my neck away.

"I.. I won't tell anyone your a vampire!" He stared at me in the eyes and I actually thought he was going to let me go. But before I could react he buried his face into my neck.

*Hope you all liked this! I will be updating this once every few days with another chapter:)*

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