The lost original (tvd)

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There are what people call the originals well that what would be me as in I'm one of them. Most people like to say I'm heart less. But in truth a can have a heart from time to time. I drink from the vain human that is . I am sneaky and not a person you want to deal with. I am over a thousand years old . I am Natalia Mikealson the lost original.

As sit here thinking what can I do I have drank for the past two days in a row and yet I'm still bored. I think to my self ' what am I going to do with my self?' Of course I can get what ever I want but there's just so much that there is to it. Then there and then my phone started to ring I didn't bother on checking the callers I.D. "Hello Natalia speaking" I said in my British accent. The voice I heard suprised me . " Natalia what's up with you?" "Tyler cut to the chase why did you call me after all this time?" "We'll I kind of was hopping that you could make an appearance hear so that you could frighten a couple of people away" I had a feeling that he was going to ask a question like this so I thought for a while and then said " who is it this time?" The Salvatore brothers preferably both but the main is Damon Salvatore sure that you've heard of them?" "Yes Ty and I'm feeling not quite up to it so you can deal with that your self I'm not some monkey that does your work for and then the image I get is being a bitch so I think I'll pass" before he could even respond I hung up. ' now what to do what to do' the idea of going back to mystic falls was tempting but I just thought that It wasn't the right time yet . I still sat in the same couch for 30 more seconds then got up and headed towards my roam. Yes Tyler was one of my friends but that was because he chose to be on the right side. I am cruel on some ways but never enough to be that heartless. I decided that I might as well go visit a few friends in North Carolina for a few days and then go back to the place where it all started. The place that took my human side. Of me.

For my out fit I had chosen a red tank top black pumps black skinny jeans and to top it all off a black leather jacket . My pumps had red on the bottom of the shoe and the feast was black they were also high about 6 inches. I hopped in to the shower and let the hot water pour over ,y body as the memory came back.


"Mother , father please don't do this " I screamed at my parents I had nikluas's head in my lap and rebekah on my right side as watched father plunge the stored into kol's chest . I knew they were all dead and I was next . My last words were "why?" As my father plunged the sword into my chest as tears poured and poured. My vision blurred then it all went black.

"Natalia, Natalia please wake up don't leave me" I heard the pleas of my brother as everything started to clear . Our father came in with one of the girls from the village . "Drink " he ordered I refused to but instead of letting it go he cut into her wrist and force full fear it to me. Nicklaus rubbed my back as in a calming gesture. I leaned into him and let the darkness of sleep over power me. Then it all went dark and I had feeling that this wasn't the worst to come.


As I realized I had gone I to a daze I quickly got out of the shower and dressed . Once I was dressed I curled my long blond hair and applied mascara and blood red lips stick I looked perfect.
I stepped outside and got into my Ferrari f430 'my baby' I thought .
I started towards the free way and was ready to face any thing that you could through at me.

As I'm on my way to North Carolina to visit Charlie my friend sence 1843 . I haven't seen her sence then . We met at a ball it was quite fun until an unwanted guest came along . I had to leave so that was about it. I now passed the sign that said 'welcome to North Carolina ' I rolled my eyes as I thought that it was similar to the sign that told you that you had entered mystic falls. I started to speed up as It was starting to get dark. I parked in front of a blue house that had the number of 2134 above the door . This was the place that Charlie had mentioned to me that she had been staying. Ugh night that nice of a house but I guess it was descreete . I walked towards the door and one answered so I knocked again this time the door started to creek open. An old lady appeared " hello how can I help you" she said in an old ladies voice I new that this was Charlie trying to play a prank on me . I decided to play along " I looked in to her eyes and started to compel her " let me I. And tell me where Charlie is." She let me in and started to change back into her normal self. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. " I new I couldn't trick you " I laughed at that of course she couldn't I'm me. " so what brings you to North Carolina ?" She said as she started toward the kitchen . She poured her self a drink and offered some to me I quickly nodded and sat on the couch she cam e to sit by me and handed me my drink. " I was bored . There's not that much a girl can do on her own" she laughed. " so what's the real reason that you came out of all the places why here?" I decided to ignore the question and and said" you have a nice house to old for my taste though." " so now your calling me old?" " yes I am. So any ways I'd like to stay and talk but I got to go." " k call if you need any thing. " " k" was my final answer the I stepped put the door and headed towards my car it was dark but I knew if I drove normal speed like a person that I would make it at the time needed. I loved to listen to music any type really I heard Spanish and English . I didn't bother on listening what was on the the radio.

It was now 2:30 pm I was already in mystic falls and was headed to the one place that I knew had some decent alcohol , the mystic grill. Wow who was the idiot that came up with that name. I parked the car in front of the grill I got out of the car and put my shades and started my strut towards the door . When I opened the door I walked strait to the bar I ordered a drink and waited for it to come. When my drink finally came I decided to go out for a real drink. I looked to my right and saw one of the salt ores that Ty wanted me to drag away from this rigid old town. I knew that if I pretended to get a serious call and went outside he would follow me. I quickly texted Charlie to call me and pretend to sound worried about our plan here on mystic falls. As soon as I sent it she called. I answered and she sounded really worried

" nat we have a problem with our plan you have to do something about."

" hay calm down , I'm in public let me go outside so we can talk Kay ." Fine but hurry its serious."

I walked outside and felt someone behind me I smirked and kept talking as if I didn't know that he was there. " hay so what's the problem you know what I do to complications in my work" I snapped. In that instant my phone dropped to the ground and I was pinned to the wall . I screamed at my phone and Charlie hung up as if on cue she knew I could handle m self. " quite a friend isn't she , just leaves her own friend to die" I was now staring into the most ice blue eyes that I had ever seen . I smirked " and what makes you think I'm the one dying today mr." He smirked and then let me go . Instead he got a hold of my waist and pushed me towards the wall and asked "who are you?" " who wants to know ?" " Damon Salvatore " " wow so out going I'm Natalia no offence but I don't people my last name until I know that I can trust them" he let go of my waist and asked " so we're are you staying?" " I don't know unless your offering a place I still have to figure that part out." He turned and smirked . " we'll you can stay at my house for a price" " and what price would that be ? " I said in a seductive vioce as I got closer to him that our noses were about to touch. " do you like to party?" I smiled and said " what kind of person would I be if I didn't?" " we'll in that case the price is a kiss." " a kiss? That's it?" "Yes" "fine" I leaned in and so did he as he was about to kiss me on the lips I moved my head to the left so that his lips would land on my cheek. He growled "what you said a kiss me never that it had to be on my lips." I smirked and he leaded me towards his place. When we got there I senced that no was home. I walked in side with Damon behind me " pick any room that you like." I nodded and headed upstairs towards a door I opened it and thought it was perfect I took off my shoes and leather jacket and hopped into the bed. I didn't notice when I fell asleep but I did.

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