chap 31

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chap 31

i woke up and wasn't happy to see klaus at the door.
i knew that i was in his bedroom as i recognized
he walked towards me
" Natalia I'm sorry" he sat beside me i stared into his eyes. nut all i had in my eyes was pure hatred " well i bet that was hard for you wasn't it klaus, maybe what everyone says is true you are a monster" he looked a t me with watery eyes
" Natalia I'm sorry and if I'm a monster you know that means that your a monster too right" i smiled a little but then vanished my smile " no klaus and every time you say I'm the most important thing to you i think thats a lie now you must really hate me. if i would have fake died then come back you would be the first person that i would think of going to. but i guess I'm different"
he sighed
" you want to know what lets not talk about this any more, and about the fact that there is a vampire hunter. on of the five just running around." that shocked me
" and you haven't tried to kill him?"
he rolled his eyes
" well you know what happened last time i did"
i remembered everyone that he had killed tried to persuade him to kill himself. that was really awful for me and him.

i got up and went to the bathroom i looked at myself. not a hair was out of place
i smiled and then went back to where klaus was very still

i looked at him
" your right" i said he looked at me shocked
"we are different just not monsters exactly just very special." i went towards the door but before " oh and klaus please be careful with everything you do" then h stopped me
he was right in front of me " Natalia I'm leaving for Italy. while you where unconscious Stephan and i are looking for a cure" i was interested now " a cure for what?" i asked him " a cure for vampirism" my eyes widened. that meant Silas
but didn't he know about that or was it Kol.
i vanished the thought it could be another cure that the Bennett witch made. but thats impossible. she isn't even a far relative of . never mind
" Natalia?" klaus shook me
i looked at him
then his phone started to ring and he picked up.
it was Stephan saying that he told damon about the cure.
i vanished from the room before klaus noticed.
i went straight for Tyler's house. they had to be there.

I stood by the door just listening to their conversation
and then Stephan came in and embraced elena
Stephan asked if they had a plan

Damon responded

"Yeah, we have a plan. The plan is I'm gonna rip Connor's heart out and I'm going to feed it to him." he sounded so sure of himself

this was the perfect time to step in as they obviously needed my help

" i don't think thats a very good plan. you do know about the hunters curse don't you"
they seemed a little surprised but not as surprised as i thought i guess they would have expected me to show up.

damon stared at me with his blue orbs
" please enlighten us with this story" he said sarcastically
" i don't have to help you. you know that right. I'm just saving you form 100 years of suffering" i walked next to damon
" don't be reckless damon at least not before we all figure out a way to kill him and him only"
he looked at me
" and why do you care?"
" because believe it or not damon i care about you ok"
then caroline came in
" and damon there is the fact that i know someone who wants this cure"
he looked at me
" fine what are we going to do" he said reluctantly

i turned towards them
" oh thats for you to figure out i just came to warn you about the curse"

i went to the sit on the couch
and i saw Damon's eyes on me. a little shocked
after about an hour of planning and changing their minds.
tyler has the hybrids, caroline will make sure that no cops or anyone are there. and they are counting on the Bennett witch to help them i was just there to tell them what was wrong and what was right.

Elena, Damon, Stephan and i are at Alaric's old loft.
i sat on his bed it was comfy.
Damon smiled at me and then turned towards Elena and Stephan.

Elena is ready to go save her little brother when damon stops her

" Stop treating me like I can't handle myself. Alaric trained me and I've been practicing with Stefan." she sounded mad but knowing damon he wouldn't care

Elena walks towards the door.

"So what? Now you're gonna take on a professional killer?" he said
Elena turns and looks at him. i rushed and grabbed the crossbow off the bed. i decided i could have some fun.
they seemed shocked
i pointed it at her head
"Bang. You're dead. Now what?" i asked her

Elena rushes at me and knocks the crossbow out of my hand She grabs it and pushes me up the wall She points the crossbow at my heart.

"Head shots no good, it has to be the heart. So, now you're dead."
i looked towards damon " shes smart and can really leave a mark." she let go of me
Damon smiled

" For someone who doesn't want to be like me, you sure are good at it." he said to her

" My brother is the only thing that's holding me together right now, " If anything happens to him..."

i spoke up " Elena if i have to kill the hunter i will we'll get your brother back ok chill"
she smiled
" i don't understand why are you being so nice to me after everything that i have done to you"

i turned my back towards her and felt a tear come out
" i know how it feels too lose a brother and i have only 4 left 1 already died i know how it feels you only have 1. its going to be harder for you"

i stared at Damon and felt Elena's eyes on my back.

'I'm sorry' i mouthed to Damon . he seemed confused
then i put an image of my brothers and i also of Roxanne with us
he nodded and smiled back.

well that was chap 31 and i hope that you enjoyed

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