chap 25 part 2

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chap 25 part 2

" They're coming, Mother!" said fin

"No, it's too soon, the moon is not high enough. Go! Quickly! " she sounded panicked
thats when Elijah, Kol, Klaus and i appeared.

"My sons" she looked towards me "and daughter, come forward."

" Stay beside me, Mother." fin said worried.

"It's okay. They can't enter." she reassured him

" That's lovely. We're stuck out here, while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn." i said

"Be quiet, Natalia Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine." she said

" Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity." said elijah

"My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago." she said with pure hatred

" Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, Mother, or I'll send you back to Hell." klaus was the one who killed her

"For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you. Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you're no better. All of you. You're a curse on this Earth. Stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your life, I'm sorry, you've wasted your time." she sounded completely normal as if she was watching the jersey shore

even though i wasn't the one channeling the energy i felt the connection break i smirked yay mother loses and we live for the rest of eternity.

"No! Sisters! Do not abandon me!" she pleaded

" Mother!" fin hollers and grabs her. the torch lights are out and mother as well as Fin are gone.
no one dared move we were in utter shock.

Rebekah's P.O.V

Elena is sitting on the floor.

'You can come out now. Seems your boys took care of the problem." i said

"How did they do that?" she seemed shocked

"Damon turned your witch friend's mother into a vampire." i said calmly

" What?" uh i was going to have to explain. cant you just be greatful that you will get to live?
well what ever

" Quite clever, actually. They needed to sever the witch line and, well, you can't be a witch and a vampire. In any case, you're free to go. Oh and, uh, by the way, you were right. I do prefer taking my time watching you suffer. Much more satisfying."

Natalia's P.O.V

we were all back home

Rebekah walks into the room. Elijah is staring out the window.

"Where the bloody hell is everyone?" she asks

"It's over, Rebekah." responds elijah. i kept packing while tears threatened to come out
all i did was listen into their conversation

"Where's mother?" she asked

"We have no mother. Only Esther and Esther was right."

" What do you mean?" she asked

" My talk of virtue. When it suits my needs, I kill, maim, and torment. Even today, I terrorized an innocent." he said plainly

" Elena is hardly innocent." she said

" And I used your hatred of her to get what I wanted. Wielded you like I would a sword. My sister." he said

"You did it to protect us, Elijah, and rightly so! We deserve to live! We are better than they are." she said

" Are we? Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters, we did that to ourselves." after that i heard Elijah leave

Klaus is in the parlor, burning pictures he drew of Caroline. Rebekah enters.
i heard everything but told myself that it was for the best to leave

" I thought you'd have gone by now. Elijah's leaving. Kol's fled, and so is natalia Esther and Finn are gone too." said klaus

"I hated you when I learned you killed our mother. But I realize now that after a thousand years together as a family, you're the only one who never left me." she told him

"Well, I'll be your pair." he said

"There's something I need you to see."

i decided that i should hurry before i change my mind.

i went down the stairs and looked at klaus and at Rebekah they stopped talking for a second and klaus was the first to speak
"Natalia -"
"i know brother i don't have to leave but i cant stay i don't want to" tears started streaming down my face. i gave a hug and then to Rebekah.
i gave them my back and left.

it was time for me to go find Kol he was always the fun one. who better to get your mind off of things than him.
well that was the last part of chapter 25. i hope that you liked it vote and comment please. thanks

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