chap 23

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chap 23

we all walked into the ball room. the whole town was here.

the doors opened. elena who was escorted by damon and Stephan.

she wore a black and gold dress.

right behind them was caroline. she was wearing a blue grey gown. it was gorgeous and klaus was staring at her. of course how could i not know that he would fall for a blonde.

"well klaus its obvious that you want to go so go i have Kol and some catching up to do" he turned towards Kol

"don't let her out of your sight"

he was off

i turned to Kol and smiled a devious smile then was joined by Rebekah.

"well whats the plan its obvious that you guys wont behave now that Natalia has her emotions off."

i turned towards her

"thats not true i turned them back on when i saw mother, i think that matt the blonde quarter back should be who we mess with"

"now the question is how" Kol said

"oh dear brother all we have to do is use Rebekah as a distraction"

Rebekah left and then we were joined by Elijah

"Kol since i am going with Elijah can you leave us"

he nodded and headed else were

i turned to my brother and gave him a big hug

"i have missed you so much"

i whispered in his ear

we were interrupted my the mayor

"well i don't think that we have met before i am the mayor and you are?"

"well I'm Natalia Mikealson and this is my brother Elijah Mikaelson"

they shook hands then we were off and placed at the top of the stairs. mother got their attention

" welcome to the Mikaelson ball i would like to introduce my children before we start."

klaus and i were placed side by side. since we were twins

when it was my turn my english accent really stuck out

" i am Natalia Mikealson and as you may know my brother klaus he is my twin brother"

once we were all introduced

"lets start this ball with a traditional dance"

klaus offered me his hand and i took it . we were now on the dance floor

"klaus you could have asked caroline you know that right"

" i know but Kol has Rebekah and Fin has some random girl and so does Elijah i couldn't leave you with anyone else i told you that you wouldn't leave my sight and don't even get me started on when you left and didn't call."

i whispered in his ear

"I'm sorry forgive me"

he looked into my eyes as if staring into my soul and smiled

"of course how couldn't I"

then he spun me and then i was in kol's arms he smirked

"if you weren't my sister id be in love"

i stared at him

"boo too bad i am "

"so Natalia you're a three way hybrid?"

"klaus told you didn't he"

he nodded and then spun me into Elijah's arms

"so little sister were did you get this dress"

"i got it at a store brother you do know what a store is don't you"

"no i don't because i am a loner" he said with sarcasm

i laughed a short laugh and then was back in Klaus's arms

"whats so funny"

"elijah has a sarcastic side to him"

he smirked

"you do look beautiful when you smile"

i flushed red

"thank you brother, but what i don't get is why didn't you call me before when mother woke up?"

"you wouldn't pick up"

"i am sorry about that, but don't you find it strange that you believed all these years that she wanted to kill you and now all of a sudden she has forgiven you

she did lie to you about the hybrids"

"people change Natalia"

then the dance ended mother and elena were no were to be found i went up to elijah " Natalia have you seen mother?"



well guys that was chapter 23 i hope that you enjoyed

srry i changed a couple of things

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