Chap 10

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My eyes flashed open. I sat up and took in my surroundings. There were about 15 dead people on the floor. Such a shame but oh well, it was their time. " well sister you really know how to have a night" I froze I knew that voice all to well. If I had a heart it would be pounding really hard that I'd probably be dead. It was him, the person that I had yearned for a really long time. But I avoided him after he started to dagger us. I sighed and prepared myself to face the music " Niklaus Mikaelson, never thought that I'd see you again what brings you to find me?" He came to sit at the edge of the bed. He shrugged" I've come to break the curse that mother put on us" well that explained everything
" Nik why do need me?" "Because little sister you are my other half, without you I couldn't live" I knew he meant it but he said with a hint of sarcasm.

" well I'm guessing that you have your moonstone and doppleganger and probably a witch, all I need to do is show up" " not exactly little sister, your little friends-" " oh don't you even call them my friends those two time stabbing sons of a bitch." Anger filled me up. Then I though of something.
" wait how did you know I was here?" He shrugged and smirked " I have my ways"
" well brother, what can I do for you." He shrugged " you mentioned that I needed a witch but I need backup, who better that my own sister." I rolled my eyes " what else?" " just give those two backstabbing sons of a bitch a message, they have until the next full moon." "Ok so goodbye brother." I got out of bed but he didn't move. I walked towards him and hugged him " I'm glad your back brother" he hugged me back " me too, who better to unleash hell on earth than with my own sister." I let go and he was gone

Well time to go see those two time backstabbing sons of a bitch.

I stepped into the shower and let the warm water pour over my body. I remembered all those happy time that Nik and I had shared together. They all flashed through my head. All of them were now blur. I now felt betrayed by those I called my friends.

I chose my outfit carefully

I was now wearing purple solid city shorts a black shirt black pumps and my leather jacket.

I was now curling my long blonde hair and applying my make up. Once I was done I looked at my self I was just perfect.
I was on my way to mystic falls time to face the music again. I was getting sick and tired of mystic falls and all of its drama. I mean there should be a sign that says do not enter. But was I gonna do avoid, can't doppleganger is there and I need her blood. But who was I to judge about what they're did in mystic falls I was part of the drama. But I just made things interesting.

I parked in front of the boarding house and stepped out. I had a feeling that everyone was going to be there. Because they just can't leave their precious doppleganger . I rolled my eyes at the thought and barged into the house. They all stopped on whatever they were babbling about . I went to pour myself a drink. Then I walked towards them " well you can shut your mouthes now and tell me the plan, because I doubt that you will let your precious little doppleganger die." They all starred in shock that I had the nerve to just show my face. " well then Damon I need to talk to you" he looked at me curiously " come on , I don't bite. Much" he rolled his eyes and follow me outside " now we can talk. Elena what odd you plan on doing because I want to know ovi the y aren't going to tell me" he didn't say any thing but just stared at me " is this going to go the hard way or the easy way Damon. We both know I'm capable of both." He still didn't budge, hard way I is. I walked towards him and smirked " I think that you Damon Salvatore have gone soft" our faces were now inches away. I could feel his minty breath " now Damon tell me how are you going to save Elena" " the same way as always we won't let anything happen to her" I smiled " now that that's out of the way I have been sent to give a message you have until the next full moon" and with that I left.

----------Damon's P.O.V-----------
'You have until the next full moon'

Those words circled all of head
Would she really side with the enemy?
I went back inside " what did she say?"
" we have until the next full moon" " what are we going to do?" I shrugged.
" simple" voice said. I turned and saw one of the originals " I have a solution, my brother wants Elena the he shall have her. Only though when the time comes drink this." It was a little box " how do we know that it will work?" Stephan asked
"In truth I am not sure that it will work but it might give you hope that Elena will come back" "why should we trust you?"
" because , I have made the effort to help Elena and I have kept my word in protecting you all"
---- Natalia's P.O.V----

I dint know were I planned to go but I just needed a little space. My phone started to ring
Ugh. I answered the phone " who ever it is what do you need and make it quick." " nice to know you care little sister, where are you?" " why what do you need?" " well I need you to come back to mystic falls" and with that he hung up. Like for reals who does that to a person.

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