chap 26

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chap 26

tears flowed down my cheeks.
i was in my now new bed.
i couldn't stop thinking about all my family and hoping that one day we could all live in peace again but i doubted that it could happen.
but i thought this was better at least they weren't dead. i thought about it and vanished the thought quickly. with more tears threatening to come out.
after my outburst i couldn't deal with much emotion. if i got slightly mad the people within 100 miles were dead. such a waist of perfectly good blood.
i had learned how to control my powers now, discovered new things.
yet i wanted to know why i got the powers and klaus didn't.

i had learned many tricks like how to change my appearance in a flash and you'd have no memory of me changing.
i had mislead Kol for a month till he figured it out.

yet all of this power came with a cost
if i didn't let it out in time i would burst. no one wanted that.

i wanted to see my brother and Rebekah but it would just hurt me more.
i knew that i had to be tough it was my only choice i didn't plan to return to mystic falls without making a scene about it.

klaus had tried to contact me but failed in the attempt.

i put my hands on top of my chest and took a deep breath in.
it was time to change.
i was now a red head a little shorter than me but still beautiful.
i turned into myself. blonde hair and everything.

i went to take a shower. and brushed my hair. it was blonde and very beautiful. my identical eyes to Klaus's.
i got dressed. my outfit for today was a strpless black peplum top, Luca Pleather Contrast Legging , my ankle boots that were also black. i was in the mood to wear black today for some reason.
i curled my hair and applied my make the usual. cat eye and red lips. i was ready to take on the day and stop being mopey.

i went down stairs were Kol and elijah were talking.
i went to the fringe and took a blood bag. uh it wasn't as good as human from the vein but my sweet brother was here he wouldn't have aloud it. i walked towards them .

Elijah looked perfectly fine
"Natalia good to see you again" he said what a the gentle man i thought
"Elijah what brings you here?" i asked
he looked at me and then down. i knew something was wrong so i braced myself for the news.
" klaus is-"
i looked at him tears in my eyes
" he's what elijah tell me"
" he's not exactly dead just in the state that we get when we have a dagger in our heart, except that his is permanent unless a witch undoes it" i was in shock. the words repeated in my head a thousand times.i fell to my knees. Elijah and Kol where there in an instant to catch me.
i could only manage a few words
" who?" i asked
Kol was the first to speak
"don't tell her. her powers are controlled by her emotions. she could burst I've seen it." i didn't move i had so many emotions going through me. I didn't feel the same, like a part of my heart had just been torn out of me. i felt my eyes start to glow.
i got up from my original place. my whole body taken over by rage.
"who!!!!!!" i screamed at them
Kol was calm
"i told you, now you can tell her"
i looked towards him
"i said who did it ,tell me Elijah before i go killing everyone that has even laid eyes on mystic falls"

" it was the bennet witch, elena, Stephan, damon, Jeremy, caroline, and tyler" he said
huh to think that the next thing i said wasn't about a plan to kill them.
"do you have his body?" i asked still in shock

" no thats why i came to talk to Kol and was trying to avoid you"

" so how do we get it back?"
"Natalia there are other problems aside from just our brother. mother has come back and turned Alaric into a lunatic original we cant beet him."

i started to my room

"where are you going?"
i looked back at him
" to get my jacket we can discuss a plan to get our brother back in the car."

they nodded .

when i came back Kol was dressed properly in black. Elijah wears his black suit always kind looking . i was in black as well.

we were now in the car

Kol was in the back i sat in the drivers seat. i stared out the window with tears threatening to come out. it was a good thing that my makeup was water proof.

"so what are we going to do?"
Elijah turned his head
"go to there house and ask peacefully. then if they dont give us what we want you can hit them were it hurts them all."

i liked that very much

" well while you guys go do that ill go with Rebekah were ever she is"


we were all seated around the table.

"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once it's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the Earth and Alaric will follow us."

"And you'll just run?" asked Stephan. but the question was directed to me.

Stefan sits next to Elena

"We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Elena is able to live out the rest of her natural life?" he told them

"We've finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back."

"I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours nor even within your children's lifetimes. Perhaps that will finally teach him some manners." elijah and his promises. they looked at me."don't worry about me i just want his body"

" Why should she trust you? All you've done is screw her over." matt asked

"And for that, I am deeply ashamed. But know this, she could have been dead the instant I walked through that door tonight, so Elena, I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not."

Damon responds. He is on the phone. i mean really him

"Not! Hello, did that concussion give you brain damage?! His lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get!" he said

"Rebekah and Kol will honor the terms. If you return Klaus' body to us, Elena will come to no harm."

Elena looks at Stefan. and then they both looked at me

"Do we have a deal?"

"No! No, no, no, no. Did I mention NO?" damon said over the phone

" Elena, it's up to you." Stephan said

"Oh, come on!' damon pouted

"Why do you want Klaus' body?" she asked

" Elena He's my brother. We remain together. kind of like you and Jeremy" i said

Elena sighed "We have a deal."

i felt relief. id get my brother back


Rebekah and damon were going to go get my brother.
Elijah and i were walking in the woods towards Stephan. he looked down as he saw us.

"What happened?" elijah asked

Stefan didn't respond.

"Stefan?" i asked.
then Rebekah showed up
in tears
"He's gone, Elijah. There was nothing I could do to stop it." she said "no!!!!!!" i dropped to my knees. tears started to pour "no, no ,no he cant" i couldn't bring myself to say it

Rebekah and Elijah walked towards me. were they both held me while Rebekah and i cried

"Tyler Lockwood is dead, but the rest survived. You said that Niklaus turned their bloodline." elijah said to Rebekah

" I thought he did." she said

"It wasn't me, it wasn't Kol." i said

" It wasn't me, Elijah. It was Niklaus, I'm sure of it." Rebekah sounded sure

"Then how are they still alive?" i asked
then there was still hope that he was alive. i whipped my tears and got up, started walking .
until i made it to wickory bridge.

i was in the middle of it and dialed Stephan's number. he picked up

Stefan answers his phone.

" Hello?" he answered
"You're alive. Congratulations." i said

"Natalia ." was the only thing that he said

"Elijah spoke to Elena. Her and Matt should be arriving back in town any minute." i said calmly i hope elena was in a bad mood all the better way for her to die

"Yeah, he told me that. He also said you two would be long gone out of town by now." he said a little worried

"That's the problem. Elijah says we have to run, that the hunter will keep coming after us, but I don't want to run anymore, Stefan. I spent my whole life running." i said. it was true i just wanted to stop running. after Mikael i thought that we were free but then came along Alaric

" What are you talking about? We had a deal."

" yeah about that I'm sorry, but Klaus is dead. There is no deal. If my brothers and I are going to survive, we need to get rid of Alaric and the only way to get rid of Alaric." he would figure it wouldn't he


"that will teach you Stephan Salvatore that i am your worst nightmare and this is only the begging of hell"

then i hung up. they crossed me and id give them punishment worse than death.

i saw matts truck and knew it was time.

i heard elena scream
" matt!!!!" and then they flew off the bridge. i smirked well then my work here is done.

hay guys well guys that was chapter 26 vote and comment thanks

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