chap 35

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sorry guys last chap just said chap 35 this is chapter 35

chap 35

it was like i was in a dream but it was like something was going to happen i didn't know what exactly.

i woke up to find a paper written by klaus
if you wake up welcome back just so you know whats been happening you have been out for about a week Kol is back and so is the Salvatore sister. your eyes have glowed a lot recently . I'm looking after damon Kol compelled him to kill Jeremy.
Kol is now on the streets with a white oak stake like a maniac while the Salvatore sister and him share moments and nights together. call me when you wake up maybe you have missed a little more.

i was confused. but how could i have been out if i experienced all of that.
then i looked at what i was wearing
i was wearing the same clothes as i was when i met Hayley.
i decided that it wasn't important right now
i took a long shower with hot water when i was done i stepped out i put on my leather pants that were black my black Timeless Studded Shoe Boot my black peplum top and did my hair. normal make up my hair curled into perfect curls
now i called klaus
he answered
"klaus I'm awake were are you?"
" at the boarding house meet me here" i hung up and ran there i really didn't feel like starting my car

i made it to the seller
"klaus don't tell me you killed him i want to torture him too!!"
i looked at damon
" now when his days come to an end at least he will see a pretty face not yours brother no offense" he rolled his eyes.
we have been here for hours damon and klaus just keep arguing while i just think of how it was possible for me to think i was awake when really i was knocked out for a week

Klaus's phone started to ring
finally something to do i got to the phone first
"Well, if it isn't the happy homicidal maniac. that i have heard so much about i mean not even a card brother and i thought you loved me" klaus took the phone from me and answered to kol
'Did you know that your darling former blood bag and her brother are trying to kill me?"
"What?" said klaus shocked
"Don't pretend like you're not in on it. Your obsession to find the cure clearly trumps any sibling loyalty you once felt."
"I don't know what you're talking about." klaus was confused as i was but the only thing that i could think of was elena killing Kol. then the vision i had while i was unconscious wasn't a total lie
" I'm going to rip off Jeremy's arm and kill Elena just for sport. Then I'm coming for you and Natalia." what did i ever do to him
i turned towards damon
" what is Stephan and elena planning damon tell me" my eyes started to glow
" i don't know I've here with your brother no one has come to see me"
i felt my heart start to flutter my brother might die. but no he is an original and he is also Kol " klaus lets go please I'm scared" i turned towards damon " if i find out that you knew Damon i will personally rip your heart out and feed it to you "

then i walked out with klaus

klaus and i ran out as fast as we could and we made it to Elena's house as it happened
time stopped i was sure of it then it came back
"" AHHHHH!!!!!!" i screamed as i watched my vision fulfill itself
i fell into Klaus's arms and cried as he screamed at elena

my eyes started to glow i felt the leaves start to fly i started to lift from the ground but then felt a sharp point in my heart and it all went dark.


i caught Natalia
and then dropped her as my head started to pound i fell to the ground
then got up

"invite him in" she said i got up and took Natalia with me. she was unconscious
" the living room now." i followed elena. i set Natalia down and then ran but was held back by a barrier i pounded on it but it would let me through
"you cant do this to me witch"
i demanded
"you have no idea what i can do"


i woke up beside black bones
i focused my eyes a little better now
and remembered " AHHH!!!!" i screamed that was my brother and he was dead and dead he wasn't coming back like klaus he was dead. i felt my eyes start to glow and tears come out. i couldn't think straight now
i tried to reach him but a barrier was there i pounded on it
"don't i tried for hours now" it was klaus i went over tot he corner that he was in. i laid my head on his chest " why, why " he didn't say any thing i looked at Kol
then i looked towards the right there was a green blanket. i crawled over to Kol and used my magic to cover him
" I'm so sorry baby brother "i whispered to my dead brother.
then damon came in
i could hear him
" hi"
i had tears in my eyes
he had lied to me
" im glad to see you" elena told him.
i used my magic to get passed the barrier and i did i looked back at my brother
then headed for the kitchen " Natalia and klaus are stuck in our living room"
"actually only klaus is. and damon I'm not glad to see you and neither should you."
they were shocked. i sped towards Damon and stuck my hand in his heart i could feel it in my hand
" give me one good reason on why i shouldn't kill you right now and then go for your sister" he stared at me
then i looked back at bonnie
" oh and bonnie your power is no match for mine if i could kill you right now i would but i cant because that would be to easy."
i still had tears in my eyes
" Elena i hope your happy now that my brother is dead" i stumbled over my words " and yours is still alive. congrats your happy now you'll probably be human in a few weeks happily ever after for you. and just so you know that you are lucky that I don't want to die because the day i do I'm taking you with me." her eyes were filled with fear.
more tears poured
out of my eyes " i will never forgive you Damon." i turned towards Roxanne. she didn't have a tear in her eye she seemed pleased "as for you sweet dreams." my eyes started to glow and then she fell asleep
they all gasped "good bye, don't touch my brother let klaus keep his body. at least he will be at peace now
i went back towards klaus "brother i must leave I'm sorry i don't want to feel anymore so please make them pay" he smiled and nodded

i looked one more time at my dead brother
" i love you klaus and Kol bye" i passed everyone and then stopped at damon i made my eyes glow so that only one image would pop to his head ' i hate you'
every time he even thought about me. only pain would come physically and mentally.

i turned my emotions off and was ready to leave mystic falls.

hay guys that was chap 35 so i will have a sequel i will let you know when i have the first chapter ready vote an comment thanks

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