Chapter two

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I rolled over and hit something hard. My eyes flew open as I felt eyes on me. When my eyes full opened I met a pair of blue eyes. "Ugh what are you doing here got to your own room." " this is my room I froze instantly. I heard him chuckle and then realized the position we were in I was his bare chest and he had his arms around my waist. Ig got off of him and put of the room. I headed for my car . I felt Damon behind me and said " you could of told me that yesterday." " yeah but you looked so peaceful sleeping " I snorted " as if you care, any ways now that your here carry these to MY new room and Your OLD room got it." He rolled his eyes but did as I said. When he set my luggage Down I told him to get out so that I could change. I looked at many atires but only found one interesting. A pair of of red skinny jeans a white top and my leather jacket also my white pumps. I was satisfied with my decision and went into the bathroom for a shower. I turned the water so that it would pour out warm water and let it calm me.

Once I had finished I put my clothes on and started curling my hair then applied my make up. Mascara and a pink lip gloss. When I walked down I heard three voices and a beeping heart. I recognized Damon's but no one else's . As they were in the middle of their conversation I walked past them and into we're the alcohol supplies I poured my self a glass and passed them again sat on the couch and my genious response was " hay what's going on?" They all starred at me in disbelief . The girls eyes widened and I also noticed she was the one with the beeting heart. " seriously Damon another one how many more are there gonna be ?" " hay if there a problem wich I see there is I didn't sleep with him in my defense he slept with me while I was alseep so honey there's nothing to worry about. And aren't you suppose to be dating the other Salvatore?" She looked down then back at me " Stephan can we please go we are going to be late for school." " ohh can I come with I don't want to stay here with him . I'm of age and I promises I won't drink any one maybe" Stephan the other Salvatore looked a little hesitant and then agreed " hay what about us we were suppose to go partying?" " you can wait right ?" "Fine" "yay away we go mister Salvatore lead the way " this was going to be fun.

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