Late Night In Perrie

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I tossed and turned groaning, I couldn't get comfortable and I couldn't fall asleep, I glanced at the alarm clock next to the bed I shared with my girlfriend, Perrie. It read 2:43 am and I was quite annoyed. I had to be up early tomorrow because Perrie wanted me to go to an interview with her. "Could you get comfortable?" Perrie said startling me. "Sorry, I can't sleep." I whispered. "Wanna watch a movie?" She whispered, turning towards me. "Yeah." I smiled, getting out of bed and walking into the living room of our shared apartment.


"Do you want tea, darling?" Perrie said walking into the living room. "No thank you." She sat next to me on the couch. I scooted closer to her, as she wrapped her arm around me.

Soon into the movie Perrie was leaving wet kisses along my neck. "What are you doing?" I said turning to look at her. "I'm horny." She whined. "How?" I chuckled. "I don't know." She whined and continued to kiss my neck.

She grabbed my face, kissing me hard. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. We had a hot make out session for about 10 minutes before slipping my hand down her pants. "Y/N!" She moaned. I kissed down her neck as I rubbed her slowly.

"Fuck!" She whimpered as I slipped 2 fingers into her core. "You like that?" I smirked. She nodded, gasping occasionally as I thrusted my fingers in and out of her as fast as I could. "I-I'm." She stuttered. I felt her walls tighten around my fingers, I knew she was close. I pulled my fingers out making her freak out. "Why'd you stop?!" She screamed. I shoved my fingers into her mouth. She sucked on them happily then we made our way back to our shared bed.

We both got undressed. I pushed her back on top of the bed, climbing on top of me slowly. "Are you ready?" I smirked, grabbing a strap on and putting it on. I pushed it into her and began thrusting as hard as I could. "Y/N!" She whimpered the entire time while tangling her fingers into my hair.

I reached down and rubbed her clit with my thumb as I thrusted faster. "Y/N!" She screamed as she came, digging her nails into my back. "Was it good?" I smirked and she closed her eyes and nodded. She was so wrecked that she couldn't even talk.

"Your turn." She smirked flipping us over.

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