Meeting the parents (part 1)

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Summary: you meet Leigh-Ann's parents for the first time

I'm really unsure of what happened to the original first part but the second part is there... alone I'm not sure honestly. Sorry I just noticed it.


I looked in shock at Leigh-Ann. "Tonight?!" I exclaimed. "Yes, y/n, I've mentioned this at least 7 times to you." She sighed getting up. I haven't shaved my legs in 2 weeks, I didn't bother even brushing my hair today but now in 2 hours I must be at my girlfriends parents house for dinner, meeting them for the first time.

I quickly got off the couch and jumped in the shower, shaving my legs the best I could, scrubbing my face, hair and body I finally got out, a half hour later. I quickly went to our shared closet.

I panicked as I couldn't find anything dressy but also casual. Until finally I found it. Knee length, black, fitted dress. I decided on wearing red heels with it and a chunky necklace with it.

I curled my hair and did my makeup then sprayed myself with a bit of perfume. I was finally ready.

We got into the car and we were on our way, not even late.


As we pulled up to her parents house I was surprised to see a normal looking house. It wasn't small but it was no mansion. There wasn't a neighbor in sight.


As we walked up to the door Leigh-Ann's mom and dad greeted us. And we walked inside.


We all sat down to dinner and started eating, halfway through the meal Leigh-Ann decided to use the bathroom. It was taking her quite a bit, I decided to go see what she was doing...

To be continued...

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