Leigh-Anne's Secret

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I was sitting on my couch, it was 6 p.m. at night and I was eating Oreos in my stained t-shirt and ripped grey sweatpants. My phone rang and I read caller ID, it was my best friend Leigh-Anne. I quickly answered. "Hello?" I said. "Hey... Can I come over?" She said trailing off. "Yeah, is something wrong?" I said. "I'll talk to you when I get there. I'll be there in 20 minutes." She said then the line went dead. I wonder what she needed to talk about, it must be important.

I tidied up a bit as I waited for Leigh-Anne to show up. I heard a slight knock on the door then the door opened and closed. "Hi." She said sitting on the chair next to the couch. She was still wearing her coat and shoes. "Is everything alright?" I asked, confused. "No." She said choking back tears. I got up and hugged her tightly, wiping her tears away. "Tell me what happened. "I'm not so sure I love Jason anymore." She cried. "Why?" I asked, rubbing her back. "I... I think I might love you." She said shocking me. I just stared at her. I couldn't believe she said that. "I shouldn't have told you, I'm sorry I'll go." She said getting up, I grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. "No, don't leave." I looked at her.


I grabbed her hand, leading her up to my bedroom. She quickly undressed, as did I.

We kissed passionately. She laid back onto my bed. I pulled her to the end of the bed, pushing her legs back, exposing her completely to me. She looked uncomfortable. "You're beautiful." I whispered, reassuring her. I flicked her clit with my tongue, making her moan. I sucked it into my mouth and she tangled her fingers in my hair, I started swirling my tongue around her clit. I slowly pushed 2 fingers inside her, making her buck her hips. I thrusted my fingers slowly as I sped up with each passing second. I felt her clench around my fingers, I knew she was about to cum. I slowly rubbed my fingers against her g-spot, making her finally cum.

She came all over my fingers, I slowly pulled them out, sticking them into my mouth. "That was amazing." She smiled. "Still not sure if you love me?" I smirked. "Oh, I'm sure I am now." She chuckled.

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