I'm Lovin' It.

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Summary: you work at McDonald's and the girl's stop for food, but that ain't what Leigh-Anne eats. ;)


I sat up, annoyed as my alarm went off. Time for a 7 hour day of school, followed by a 5 hours shift at McDonalds. Let's just say, I'm not lovin' this shit.


The school day was one long blur, I knew my shift would feel a lot longer than it actually was, it always did. We were usually were not busy at all on Wednesday's, but I still keep working them for some reason.

It was the only job I could get, and I dreaded it, but I needed the money for college.


I quickly clocked in. "Welcome, Y/N, you can start by cleaning to women's bathroom." My boss said with a mischievous grin on his face. Ever since he found out I was a lesbian, he wouldn't stop giving me hell at work because I don't like him back. "Someone still salty because they can't have me?" I said teasing him like I was sad. "Just for that... You can clean the men's room too." He said, dismissing me. The men's room was a lot easier to clean than the women's. Women are disgusting.

I got all of the cleaning supplies, walking into the men's bathroom, cleaning very easily, before I knew it, I was done.

I walked into the women's room, fücking hell, why do they have to be so nasty?!

I quickly started cleaning the huge mess.


Finally I was done with the bathrooms. "Hi." I heard someone with a British accent say. She stood at the cash register. I walked over to it. "Hello, can I help you?" I smiled. They had their hoods over their heads and big sunglasses on even though it was 6 pm in the evening. One turned around, looking around. "Girls, there's no one here, we're safe." She said.

They all pulled off their hoods and sunglasses making me gasp. They were the Little Mix! I loved their music, and boy did I have a huge crush on Leigh-Anne.

I took their order and got started on their food. I realized I had to use the bathroom, quickly going in.


I was washing my hands when a stall opened, making my head snap towards it. "Sorry to scare you, lovely." She smiled. Oh my god, my crush Leigh-Anne Pinnock just called me lovely. I nearly fainted. "You're so pretty." I said before I realized what I said, wow I was embarrassing!

"Thank you, you're very pretty yourself." She said looking at me with lust. I stared back into her beautiful eyes. She checked me out from head to toe. "You're straight, aren't you?" She asked frowning. "Oh, God, no." I said and her face lit up. "Well..." She said walking over to the door, locking it gently. "Maybe... We... Could..." She said staring at me with even more lust than before. "Anything." I whispered, making her smirk. "I think you look darling in that uniform, but you might look better without it." She said smirking. All I could do was nod. She undressed me slowly, helping me up onto the sink counter. She kisses up and down my neck before rubbing my inner thighs slowly, inching towards my wetness. When she finally got there, she wasted no time, pushing 2 fingers inside me, rubbing my clit with her thumb. She thrusted her fingers hard, but slowly into me. I threw my head back, she attached her lips to my neck. I rolled my eyes back as I got closer and closer to my orgasm. "I'm-I'm almost..." I stuttered to get the words out. "Cum for me." She whispered seductively in my ear, nibbling the earlobe gently. Before I knew it, I came really hard, I could feel it dripping on the counter underneath me. "Oh my god." She practically growled, pulling her fingers out slowly. She pushed them in her mouth, sucking on them gently. She grabbed the back of my neck, kissing me as she pushed her tongue into my mouth, I could taste myself on her.


"How do you like the job now that this happened?" Leigh-Anne asked smirking at the entrance door. "Now? I'm lovin' it." I smiled. We exchanged numbers and she was on her way.

Holy shit I hooked up with Leigh-Anne Pinnock.


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