Car Ride Home (part 1)

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Summary: you pick up a drunk Leigh-Anne from the bar and she fingers herself on the drive back ;)


It's about 2:30 am when I'm awaken by my phone ringing, caller ID showed me kissing Leigh-Ann on the cheek while she has a Snapchat filter on her face. "Hello?" I answered groggily. "Baaaaabe." I heard a clearly intoxicated Leigh-Ann basically yell into the phone. "Why are you calling? Do you know what time it is, Leigh-Ann? I have to be up for work in 3 hours." I groaned. "Can you come pick me up?" She slurred her words. "I thought you were out of the country?" I asked confused. "I got back tonight, but the girls pulled me to this bar when I was planning to just go home to you... please come get me." She whined. "Alright, I'm on my way." I sighed and got my shoes and things on.

I got in the car and drove to the bar and saw Leigh-Ann sitting on the curb. I turned off the car and got out to help her into the passenger seat. "Baby I missed you so much." She said as I put my arm around her, she reeked of alcohol to the point that I gagged.

I helped her into the front seat and got back in the drive side. I had about a 15-20 minute drive back home.


Leigh-Ann woke up from a short nap on our drive. "Baby I'm horny." She whines. "No, Leigh." I rolled my eyes. "Please, just touch it." She whines louder. "No, I'm focusing on driving." I said, getting annoyed. "Fine." She said and pulled her skirt up and started rubbing her clit. I looked at her surprised as she pushed her finger in slowly. "Y/N!" She moaned to provoke me. "Stop." I said giving in. She moaned louder as she slid a second finger in. "Leigh-Ann!" I gasped when she gripped my leg, we pulled into the driveway as she slid a third finger in. I quickly parked the car. "Get in the house." I growled. And we ran in together.

To be continued...

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