Do You Love Me Daddy?

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This one is going to be a little different it's going to be a lesbian one shot (of course) but it'll be daddy and little kink! If you guys like this one please vote & comment so I know and I'll continue to write more like these ones!


Summary: you and your girlfriend Jade roleplay, she pretends to be a little girl and you pretend to be "daddy".

Enjoy ;) x


"Hey." I said walking in from a long day at work. I threw my keys on the kitchen island, kicking my tennis shoes off and opening the fridge for a beer. "How was work?" My girlfriend Jade asked as she flipped a pancake and bacon. "It was hell, some guy took his fiancé mini golfing and knocked all her teeth out with a golf ball a week before their wedding!" I said opening the beer and drinking it. "That would be so horrible." She said. I watched as she continued to cook dinner for both of us, she was finally off her Get Weird tour so she spent a lot of time as our shared flat. I'd love to purpose to her... I just don't know how to do it yet.

"Hello?" Jade said breaking me from my thoughts. "Sorry, what?" I said shaking my thoughts away. "I said 'why are you staring at me?'" She chuckled. "Oh. Was just thinking about something, didn't mean to stare at you." I said shrugging. "How many pieces of bacon do you want?" She said turning her back to me to face the stove. "4." I said taking another sip of my beer. "You're disgusting." She said making my plate. "Hmm you seem to like what I eat in our bed." I smirked grabbing my plate from her and putting eggs on it. "As I said, disgusting." She said rolling her eyes and making her plate.


Once we finished eating I grabbed our plates and the pans from our dinner, doing the dishes. Jade walked into or shared bedroom while I cleaned the dishes.


I sat down on the couch, turning on the TV. When Jade scared me. "Wanna try something fun?" She said covering my eyes. "I told you Jade, I don't want to try anal yet." I sighed. "I wasn't talking about that." She said walking around the couch to sit on my lap. She was wearing a short white nightgown, knee high white socks with pink bows on them, and her hair was up in pigtails. "Liiiiike what?" I said looking her up and down. "Roleplaying..." She smirked. "What kind?" I said twirling my finger around her pigtail. "Dd/lg." She smirked. "Fuck is that?" I said looking at her. "Daddy and little girl." She said seriously. "You're serious?" I said raising my eyebrow at her. "Yes, I am." She said. "Alright." I said playing with the hem of her short dress.


"Hi daddy." Jade said with innocent eyes. "Hi darling." I said stroking her hair. I sat down on the corner of our bed. "Daddy look what I got." She said bending over in front of me to pick a pillow up off the floor, her dress went straight up, revealing she had no panties on. I smacked her ass making her let out a whimper. I stood behind her, my front pressed to her back. "Hmmm... No panties?" I said lifting her dress up and sliding a finger down her slit. "No, daddy." She blushed. "I'm gonna have to spank you for that." I said bending her over our bed. I walked to the other side of the bed, grabbing a shoebox from underneath.

I opened it, grabbing out a small whip. I walked back over to her, lifting up her short dress.

I smacked it against her ass, once, twice, then again and again until her ass was bright red. I got onto my knees, spreading her apart, pushing my tongue into her pussy, she whined, grabbing at my hair. I sucked harshly on her clit pushing her on the bed on all fours. I continued to eat her out until she came.

I walked back over to the box, digging around in it until I found what I was looking for, a double sided dildo.

I walked back over to her. "What are you doing daddy?" She whispered. "Something you're going to love." I whispered. Pulling her dress off slowly.

I undressed slowly and laid in front of her, pushing one side into her and then the other side into me, I slid it back and forth making her moan. "Fuck, Y/N." She groaned. "I'm daddy." I growled. "Fuuuck!" She cried when I went faster.

Sooner than usual we both came, she whimpered and twitched as she came down from her high.

We laid there, both out of breath until we both drifted off to sleep

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