Daddy Issues...

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I pushed my way through the crowded club. Everyone was sweating and grinding against each other. I tried not to spill my drink, but of course everyone kept bumping into my hand. "I'm gonna go chill by the bar." I yelled to my best friend, Natalie. She wasn't even paying attention, she was grinding into some dude. I didn't even want to come, all the guys hit on me, and that's not my cup of tea. I sat on a bar stool, trying to get the bartenders attention. "Hey, Matthew, one strawberry daiquiri and... whatever this beautiful lady wants." I heard a woman with a quite thick British accent say. I looked up, she was gorgeous. "Thank you." I said to her. "What's your name beautiful?" She smiled. "I'm Y/N." I answered. "Hello, Y/N, I'm Jade." She said kissing my hand. "Hi, Jade." I blushed. "What's a pretty lady like you doing sitting here alone?" She said taking a seat next to me. "The bar scene really isn't my thing, so many guys try to hit on me and I don't like it." I shrugged. "Yeah, I get it, men seem to think every girl is interested in sleeping with them." She chuckled.


We had been chatting all night, I really liked Jade. She was just my type and I liked talking to her, I wanted to go home with her... But she might never talk to me again and I feel a connection.

But last minute, I decided to go home with her.


We got into the back seat of a taxi, it was a bit awkward because we were both buzzed and the driver was there.


Once we pulled up to her apartment building, I was amazed, it was nearly a skyscraper, there was a door man and it was just a gorgeous building. We got out and I followed her inside to the elevator. She pressed the button for the Penthouse. Once the doors closed she pushed me against the wall attacking my neck, sucking and biting all over it. I whimpered at the feeling. It felt amazing but also stung a bit.

When the doors opened again there was an elderly couple waiting, they sensed something and I felt the judgment in their eyes. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Ardell." She said walking out pulling me by my wrist. "Hi, Jade." They both sighed, I guess Jade had brought home many girls and this was a usual thing that happened. This all made me rethink sleeping with her.

I pulled back. "What's wrong?" She stopped looking at me. "By the looks of your neighbors, I'm guessing you're a serial one night stand, girl, aren't you?" I said standing in the middle of the hallway. "No, they're just old fashioned and didn't like my last girlfriend who I dated for years, they must've known you weren't just my friend." She laughed. I couldn't tell if I believed her, or not.

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