Jade After School

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As I walked through the hallways at school, freaking out about how I'm going to pass all of my classes I bumped into someone, making me drop all of my things. "Sorry." I said bending over to pick up my stuff, when I looked up at the person I saw the beautiful straight A student that I've been crushing on for a while. "It's ok, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." She said pushing her hair behind her ear. "I was in deep thought." I said as she handed me my History text book.


I tapped my pencil hard as I stared at my paper, a pop quiz on a Friday? That was so unexpected and so unfair. God, school makes no sense.


I walked into my history class, that the beautiful girl from earlier sits next to me in. As the teacher handed back our homework, Jade glanced over at my test. "I could tutor you, if you'd like." She smiled brightly, god she was so pretty. "Could you?!" I said super relieved that she was going to help me. "Yeah, I'm free tonight if you'd like." She said making me smile. "Yeah, I'm having a lot of trouble in school right now." I blushed. "I can help in more than just this class, I can help you learn things outside of school too." She whispered seductively into my ear. I nodded, eyes widened.


I knocked on the hard oak door, waiting for a bit before the door was opened. "Hi, come on in!" She smiled, stepping aside so I could walk in. I set my backpack and coat down. She pushed me against the wall.

I just stared at her, not sure what to do, when she kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. We had a hot steamy make out session for about 5 minutes before her lips moved down my neck, I moaned lightly making her whine. "God, Y/N, you're so hot!" She said sucking on my neck. I threw my head back. "Jade!" I said running my fingers through her long beautiful hair.

She wrapped my legs around her waist and carried me upstairs, dropping me on a bed, I laid back onto the bed, wanting to kiss her so badly.

She undressed us both and climbed on top of me, rubbing our cores together. I was a moaning mess. "You like that Y/N? Huh, you like it when I rub my pussy against yours?" She said making me moan louder. "Yes! I love it!" I screamed. "I'm so close." She whimpered. I nodded, squeezing my eyes shut.

I felt a knot form in my stomach, making me whimper repeatedly. "Y/N!" Jade screamed as we both came. I saw the stars as I came down from my high.

When I finally caught my breath I turned to Jade. "Ready for round too?" I giggled. She nodded.

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