Meeting The Parents (Pt. 2)

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Summary: you meet Leigh-Anne's parents but she has a little surprise for how you first ymeet them ;)



"Babe what's taking you so long in the bathroom?! I'm the one who's making the first impression!" I yelled, pounding on the bathroom door. "I'm done." my girlfriend Leigh-Anne said walking out of the bathroom, looking completely stunning. "Good, now I only have 20 minutes." I rolled my eyes, walking into the bathroom.

I started the shower, hoping we weren't late, that wouldn't be a very good impression.


I walked into our room as I was hearing moans from it. Leigh-Anne was sitting in the chair holding a remote, she pressed at button, moaning louder than before. "Whatcha doing there, Pinnock?" I said scaring her. "Come here." She said motioning for me to come closer to her. "What?" I said standing in front of her. "Press a button." She said handing me the remote. I pressed one. "Okay, that's the power button, press a different one." She laughed. I pressed the button underneath the one I pushed first. She gasped, throwing her head back. "Oh, it's a vibrator." I said looking down at her. "I want us both to wear one in our underwear, while meeting my parents. We control each other's remotes." She said handing me one and her remote. "Challenge accepted." I said smirking.


As we drove to her parents house, she kept moaning, over and over, so far I was only wet at this point. I don't know how she was going to get through this without moaning or something.


As we sat down to dinner with her parents, her face was flushed and her cheeks were bright red. "You okay Leigh-Anne? You don't look so good." I said from across the table. She nodded trying to keep her breathing steady. "Leigh-Anne are you sure? You don't look so good." Her mom said putting her hand on her forehead. I grabbed the remote, turning it up 2 notches. "Ooh!" She moaned out. "What's wrong?" Her mom said looking at her closely. She turned mine on full blast. "Uhh!" I said loudly. "What's wrong with you two?!" Her mom said confused. "Nothing mom!" Leigh-Anne said.


"So, Y/N, where do you see yourself in 10 years?" Her dad said looking at me. "Married, maybe a child, definitely having a good paying job, probably moving into our forever home." I said smiling. "That's great, Leigh-Anne tell us so much about you!" Her mom said happily. I knew her mom liked me but her dad I couldn't tell. He was emotionless.

All of a sudden the vibrations start again, really high power this time.

I moaned as I came. "What is going on with you two?!" Her mother screamed. "Mom, stop yelling." Leigh-Anne said trying not to moan, as I turned hers back on too. "What is it? Why are you acting weird?" Her dad said looking at both of us. "I'm j-just nervous. When I get nervous my stomach a-acts weird." I said holding my stomach and huddling over. "I'm g-getting cramps." She said moaning in between each word.


But finally dinner was over, and I had won her challenge.

This is lame lol

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