Sex on the beach.

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Summary: Jade and you have sex on the beach god read the chapter name.

This ones short yo


I got ready with the picnic basket that I had put together myself in one hand and my beautiful girlfriend, Jade's, hand in the other.

I pulled her close as we walked out the door to get into my car, and we were off to the beach.


As we drove the radio was all the way up, windows down, and singing loudly.

We were having a lot of fun!


As we pulled up to the beach, nobody was there, as it was a private beach.

We laid down a blanket, sitting down on it.

I opened a bottle of champagne, pouring it into 2 glasses. We ate our lunch as we stared at the waves hit the sand while sipping our champagne.

Before I knew it I had a nice buzz. "You know what would be fun?" Jade said making me look at her. "What?" I replied. "Sex on this beach." She said as she slowly crawled towards me. "Why would that be fun?" I said looking at her confused. "Just think, we're here out in the open, all by ourselves, and someone could walk up at any moment and just catch us." She said straddling me. "That does sound kind of exciting." I admitted blushing. "Let's do this then." She said taking off my shirt and shorts in seconds. I pulled off her sundress before she continued kissing me. I pulled the strings of her bikini top, it fell to the ground. "You're so perfect." I whispered pushing her hair behind her ear. "Are you saying that because I'm about to have sex with you?" She laughed. "No!" I said, laughing too.


She climbed on top of me, pushing her hand in between my legs, rubbing my clit slowly. I moaned quietly, grabbing her hips, grinding her against my thigh. She moaned too, God her moans were so hot. She started grinding on her own, moaning loudly. "Fuck, Y/N!" She whimpered out. "Oh my god Jade, faster." I said throwing my head back. "Are you close?" She moaned, grabbing at her breast. "Yes, so close baby." I said grabbing her hips and pushing her back and forth at a faster pace. She screamed as she came, seconds later I hit my high too.

We laid there, naked, breathless on the beach watching the waves hit the sand.

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