She's A Cheater

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Summary: Perrie cheats on Zayn with you.


Be warned this is really a one shot it's long as hell and I might make a part 2. Lmk in the comments if you'd like a part 2.


I was sitting on my couch, in my very unattractive pajamas, a stained sweatshirt that I've had forever and ripped gray sweatpants and my old slippers.

I turned to Pretty Little Liars, as it was finally the season 6 finale ( Iam aware that the 6th season JUST started) and I was hoping to finally find out who A is, but that's unlikely.

I watched closely to my tv as I ate a bag of chips and a KitKat. When I nearly had a heart attack when my best friend Perrie scared me from behind the coach. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" I screamed. "You left your door unlocked, wasn't very smart, Y/N." She said chuckling. "I thought you were hanging out with Zayn?" I said turning off the tv and turning on a light.

"No, he had to be in the studio with the boys tonight." She sighed. "Where are the girls?" I said looking at her as she sat next to me. "They all went home for the weekend." She said looking sad. "Well maybe we can have a sleepover!" I smiled. "Or, you could get ready and we could go to the club." She smiled widely. "No. You always get drunk and I can't find you!" I said rolling my eyes. "Please?! I won't get that drunk! And hey, maybe you'll find a girl finally." She smirked raising both her eyebrows twice. "I'm perfectly fine being alone for the rest of my life." I said crossing my arms across my chest. "Please, Y/N!" She said jumping up and down next to me. "How about... No?" I said getting up. "Please?!" She said following close behind me. "Fine!" I said giving in.


I put on a cost of mascara and lipstick to complete my look. I was wearing black leggings, a black tank top, studded black combat boots, and a studded leather jacket because it was quite chilly outside as it is October. I looked one more time in the mirror. I looked good. "Let's go." I said walking downstairs of my flat. Perrie smiled at me brightly and we took a cab to The Avalon night club.

When we finally got inside, we went to the bar to get some drinks. When 2 guys walked up to us. "Hey, ladies, would you like to sit in the VIP over there with us?" They said sounding a bit confident, I guess Perrie sensed their confidence. "No, we'll pass." She said smiling. "Your loss." They said annoyed, walking away. "Way to bring down their ego." I said high fiving her. "They must think we're girls who are into guys who have daddy's money." She laughed. "Considering we have our own money, we don't need their dad's." I rolled my eyes.

See Perrie and I had met years ago, I was on vacation in the UK. I had met her right before she auditioned for X-Factor. She had no idea that I was taking over my fathers $60 million dollar company because he was sick. He died later that year, my mom had died when I was 12.

Perrie was really one of the only people I had. And I loved her, she knew about my sexuality, since other officials at the company decided it wouldn't be good if I was out of the closet to the public while trying to run a company. I thought it was stupid, I'd rather not have homophobes money anyways.

"Y/N?" Perrie said bringing me back out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I said. "I said should we grab another drink before dancing." She said looking at me like I was crazy. "Yeah, sounds good." I said as we walked back over to the bar. "I'll have a strawberry daiquiri." I said before waiting for Perrie to order and get her drink.


I felt a nice buzz as Perrie and I grinded on each other like never before.

I've never seen this side of Perrie before. It was hot honestly.

We ordered another drink, which probably wasn't the best idea.


We sat in the back of the cab when I was caught off guard by a kiss, a kiss from my straight friend Perrie who is dating Zayn Malik. I gasped, pulling back to look at her. "What was that about?" I said touching my lips, I liked it even though it was very wrong. "I've always wanted to be more than friends with you but Simon decided the band needed more publicity so I was forced to date Zayn." She said looking down in sadness. "Why didn't you just tell me? You told me you and Zayn were an actual thing. Why weren't you just honest with me?" I said confused. "Because I wasn't ready to tell you I had feelings for you yet, I guess the alcohol gave me the courage finally?" She laughed lightly. "How long have you liked me?" I asked blushing. "Since we met." She smiled brightly. "I thought you were so cute and nice." I said pushing her hair behind her ear. "I've kind of liked you too, that's why I didn't want to go out tonight and 'meet a girl'." I said blushing. "Really?" She smiled wider. I nodded.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" I said looking at Perrie who was now straddling me. "Yes." She said kissing me. I pulled her shirt off, unclasping her bra. Sucking one of her nipples into my mouth as I played with the other one. She threw her head back moaning. I switched to the other one. She started grinding against me.

I took that as a sign that she wanted to do more. I unzipped her jean shorts, pushing them down her legs. I slid my hand down her panties, rubbing her slightly. She gasped. "Do you not like that?" I asked, freezing my actions. "I love it, Y/N, I've just never done this before." She blushed. "That's okay, what would you like me to do?" I said pushing her hair out of her face.

"I want to use toys." She said biting her lip. "Yeah?" I smirked. "Lay down, I'll get them." I said signaling the bed. I reached under the bed to my purple shoe box. "What kind of toys do you want to use?" I asked looking at her. "What do you have?" She said looking back at me. "Dildo's, vibrators, butt plugs-" I started saying but she interrupted me. "You do anal?" She said looking at me confused. "Well, yeah." I said shrugging. "I've always wanted to try that." She said blushing. "Hey, whatever you want to do. Don't get embarrassed. I'll do whatever you want." I said reassuring her. "Can we do anal?" She asked. I nodded smirking.

"Get on all fours." I said getting everything I needed. A strap on and lube. I lubed up my fingers, slipping one in slowly. She gasped. "Does it hurt?" I asked. "No." She said. I started thrusting it before adding another, and then finally another. She was a moaning mess by the 3rd finger.

I poured lube on her ass and then on the strap on, before sliding in slowly. "Are you sure you've never done this before? It was pretty easy to slide in here." I joked. "Oh, shut up." She laughed. I started thrusting, slowly but hard, into her. She was a moaning mess, I guess she liked it, a lot. Pretty soon she was begging for me to go faster. I thrusted faster and deeper into her. She started rubbing her clit. I knew she was close. The pressure against my clit was driving me crazy and I was close too.

"Fuck!" We both screamed as we came.

I laid next to her, cuddling up to her. "I should've told you I had a crush sooner, so I could have the experience many times by now." She said biting her lip. "Oh that's just the beginning." I replied.


That LM reference @ the end tho. Don't forget to comment, vote, maybe even share it with other mixers idk I'm really proud of these I write them myself.

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