What Cums After 69?

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Summary: 69ing with Jade, need I say more?


"Babe are you ready to go to my parents house?" Jade said walking in. I stared in the mirror, I wasn't ready to meet her parents, honestly. What if they hated me? "Yes." I said looking once more in the mirror before grabbing my purse, keys and phone.

We walked to my car and started driving to her parents house, the closer we got, the more nervous I got.


"Hi, I'm Norma and this is James." Jade's mom said pulling me in for a hug, I didn't expect her to hug me. "Hi, I'm Y/N." I smiled hugging back. "What a pretty girlfriend you have, Jade." James said making me blush. "We better get seated for dinner." Norma said looking at her wrist watch. "Yes." James said and we made our way to the dinning room.

They had made steak, which I didn't much care for. "Mom." Jade whispered politely. "Yes darling?" Her mom replied. "I told you specifically no steak." She said with a hint of annoyed in her voice. "Oh, I must've forgotten. Y/N, would you like something else?" Norma said worriedly. "No, I can just eat side dishes and a little steak." I smiled reassuringly and we started making our plates.


"Mom, can I show her my old room?" Jade said loudly so her mom could hear her from the kitchen. "Sure, make it quick, door stays open Jade!" She said peaking her head around the corner of the doorway. "Alright!" She said grabbing my hand and yanking me upstairs.

She closed the door and locked it, pushing me against it. "Let's make this quick." She said against my lips. "Sounds good to me." I said unzipping her dress as it pooled at her feet, she did the same to my dress. I pushed her on the bed, pulling off her panties. She pulled off mine. "We should 69." She whispered. "What?" I said confused. "You know... Like give each other oral at once?" She whispered. "Oh. Yeah." I said laying down. She hovered over me, getting into position. Right away I dove my tongue into her, making her moan loudly. "Y/N." She moaned quickly as she began to eat me out. I slowly slid 2 fingers into her as I attacked her clit flicking it repeatedly. Once she came I came right after.

We laid there for a few seconds coming down from our high. When we heard a knock on the door. "Jade, Y/N, what are you doing in there? I said door open." Norma sighed. We quickly got up rushing to get our clothes on. I had my dress halfway on when she held opened the door, she showed us the key, disappointment clearly in her eyes. "You thought you were slick didn't you Jade?" Norma said shaking her head. "Honestly, yes." She shrugged. "Well you're not. Don't forget your father and I met when we were teenagers." She said winking. "Ew mom!" Jade said throwing a pillow at the door. Jade and I looked at each other laughing, at least her mom wasn't mad or didn't hate me now.


As we got back into my car. "I think that went pretty well." I said as I took Jade's hand with my free hand. "Which part? The sex part or the getting caught after sex part?" She laughed. "Both?" I chuckled. "I've never seen my mom like someone so much, feel proud." She smiled. "How could she not like me?" I teased. She scoffed and shoved me gently while I chuckled.


Sorry this sucks lmao.

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