I was just reading!

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Summary: Perrie catches you reading dirty fan fiction about her, so she reads it and decides you guys should do what it says in the fanfic


I had missed Perrie for months now. I wanted her so bad-no- I needed her. She slowly pulled down my panties and- "What are you so into over here?" My girlfriend Perrie said grabbing my phone. "No! Give it back!" I said reaching for it. She moved it farther away and started reading it out loud. "Perrie licked up my slit making me shudder with pleasure!" She said teasing me. "Stop." I said pouting. "Why are you reading this?" Perrie asked me laughing.

"It interested me." I shrugged. "Do you want to do this stuff or something?" She asked. "I don't know." I said embarrassed. "You do!" She laughed.

This is so embarrassing.

"Perrie pushed 3 fingers into me." Perrie mocked. I turned bright red. "Stop!" I yelled. "I moaned out in pure pleasure." Perrie laughed. I grabbed my phone back, locking myself in the bathroom, god that was embarrassing. I finally walked out of the bathroom, walking into our bedroom. Sitting down on the bed. "Hey, let me read that full story?" Perrie said walking in startling me. "No." I said hiding my phone. "We can reenact it." She said looking at me. "Why?" I said confused. "You obviously think it's hot, why not?" She said seriously. "Well, I mean." I said rubbing my arm. "Exactly, so let me read it."

I let Perrie read it as I continued to feel a bit embarrassed. She looked very amused. "Do you want these things to happen? Is that why you read it?" Perrie said glancing at me. "Well... I...um..." I said as my face turned bright red. "Ask and you shall receive darling." Perrie said as she handed me my phone, getting off the bed to walk into the on suite bathroom. I sat there contemplating. I've already lost my pride from Perrie catching me and reading it but I'm just so embarrassed to ask.

Right as I was about to ask, Perrie walked out in the black lace thong and bra just like the story said. She looked at me, seemingly waiting for something. "Perrie, please... I want to..." I stuttered, embarrassed. Why was asking the girl I loved and had been with for 2 years now so embarrassing for me? We've been having sex for over a year, why am I still embarrassed? "Yes. Lay down." Perrie said lifting herself onto our bed, crawling up to me. "Tell me, should we skip the foreplay?" Perrie said as her lips were inches from mine. I nodded, just wanting her.

She kissed down my neck, to the middle of my chest. She pulled off my shirt and unclasped my bra quickly. Tugging on my nipples, she licked around them and began sucking and flicking one while fondling the other. She moved to the other one and continued. I moaned quietly, tangling my fingers in her hair. She kissed down my stomach, stopping at the waistband of my shorts. She yanked them down, playing with them hem of my panties. Pulling them down slowly pushed 3 fingers inside me making me moan loudly. She sucked and flicked my clit making me a moaning mess. It felt so good all I could focus on was moaning and the pleasure I was getting. I felt like I was going to pass out. Why has our sex never felt this great before? Without warning I came, hard. I was surprised when Perrie looked up at me with wide eyes. "What's wrong?" I said confused. "You squirted." She whispered. "What?- no I couldn't have." I said running my hands through my hair. "You did." She said getting up and showing me the wet spot on the bed. "Oh..." was all I could say. "That was so hot I'm so turned on." She said making me smirk. "Sit on my face." I said. "Really?" She asked. I nodded. She moved over me, giving me a great view of her see through lace thong. I sucked on the outside of them, making her gasp. I pushed her panties down slowly. Giving me the perfect view of her pussy. I spread it open, pushing my tongue in slowly. I picked up speed, sucking and flicking. I reached up grabbing at her chest and smacking her ass. She moaned mercilessly. Yanking at her hair, squeezing her boobs, and grinding against my face. Finally she came and we laid there, both breathing heavily. "I think that's the best sex we've ever had, maybe smut writers know sex better than we do." Perrie said making us both chuckle. "Maybe we should try this again?" I suggested. "Definitely." She said yawning. We both cuddled up as we drifted off to sleep.

Can't wait to do this again.


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