Secret Love Song

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This one will be Jesy and Jade in a secret relationship that Leigh-Anne and Perrie don't even know about.


Jesy and Jade wish they could be public about loving each other but of course under Simon's management, they are forced to stay quiet about being a couple.


As Jesy was getting her makeup done, Jade couldn't help but stare, she looked so perfect with and without makeup, it was amazing. She looked so beautiful no matter what. "Jade, why are you staring at Jesy like that?" Leigh-Anne said snapping Jade out of her train of thought. "No, I was thinking about what type of questions they'll ask and I didn't realize I was looking at Jesy." Jade lied. "Alright." Leigh-Anne said with a hint of doubt in her voice.

The other girls could NOT know about them! Who knows how they'd react. They knew they would accept them but how would I change their friendships... Change their band. Jade couldn't imagine not being exactly the way they are now. None of them could.

Finally their makeup was done and they were ready to step out on stage for the interviewer about their new tour.


"Are you guys really the best of friends?" The interviewer asked making the girls giggle. "Oh we are the best of friends!" Jesy exclaimed. "We tell each other everything, no secrets." Leigh-Anne said glancing at Jade, making her look away quickly. "We absolutely love each other, we all just understand each other. We have so much fun writing, recording and performing together. I couldn't have asked for better band mates." Perrie smiled brightly.

Little did Perrie and Leigh-Anne know what went on after the curtain closed.


Jesy had a hard time not staring at Jade like she was the turkey freshly done at thanksgiving dinner. Jade just had this way about her, but they couldn't be public about their relationship. It was so secretive that even Perrie and Leigh-Anne had no idea, and they told those girls everything.

Jade and Jesy hated keeping secrets but if their friends knew, who else would know?

After the interview Jesy was excited to leave with Jade. They eagerly got into Jesy's car and drove back to the hotel together. Quickly getting out and stumbling into Jade's hotel room.

Closing the door Jesy quickly pushed Jade against it, connecting their lips as she kissed her girlfriend passionately. They kissed for what seemed like forever when Jesy finally pulled Jade's shirt over her head and immediately connecting her lips to Jade's neck. Sucking and nipping gently, making sure not to leave any marks.

Jade unzipped the back of Jesy's tight fitting dress, watching it pool at her feet. They quickly connected their lips again Jesy wrapping Jade's small legs around her waist and carrying her over to the bed before gently setting her down on it. She quickly pulled off her skirt revealing her lacy black thong to match her lacy black bra. Jesy stared down at Jade in amazement, she was so beautiful. Jesy quickly undressed Jade, pulling her to the edge of the bed before getting in between her legs and attacking her clit with her tongue, sucking, licking and flicking it slowly making her become a moaning mess underneath her. She continued as she slowly slid 2 fingers into Jade making her back arch in pure ecstasy. She was close, very close.

Jesy sped up her actions making Jade cry out and squirm as she came down from her high.

Quickly undressing Jesy climbed on top of Jade, sliding her legs in between Jades. She started rubbing her clit directly against Jade's, Jade squirmed and whimpered as she was still sensitive from her last orgasm. She went as fast as she could, barely being able to think as they both felt so good. "Jesy!" Jade whimpered loudly. "Yes, darling?" Jesy replied, squeezing her eyes shut as she knew she was close to cumming. "I-I." She cried, she couldn't even form full sentences, Jesy took pride in being able to have that affect on her. "Me too." She said kissing Jade's thigh. She began to slap against her repeatedly, making Jade scream every curse word in the book. Jade looked so innocent and Jesy loved when she talked dirty and swore, it was a major turn on. Finally they both reached their orgasm. Jesy biting Jade's thigh and Jade whimpering loudly incoherent words.

Finally they both caught their breath, laying next to each other. Jade grabbed Jesy's hand and Jesy kissed the back of her hand, making Jade blush. "I can't wait until we can tell people about this." Jade whispered. "Me too, but Simon won't let us." Jesy said making them both come to realization that while Simon was their manager, there wouldn't be a them in the public eye.


When you're a Larrie and you hate modest😂

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