Letter Nine - Someone You Wish You Could Meet.

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This will also be multiple letters, as I want to meet many, many people. 

Dear Amber,

You are awesome. You're the unique figure in SM. Really, you are! Most girls in Korea are very girly, very doll-like, but you're a tomboy. It's very refreshing to see how down-to-earth you are, plus you know English, so that's a bonus. You're Chinese too. Well, Taiwanese, but I think it's actually the same thing. You're a really cool rapper, and you have a good voice. You can dance as well as other things. How come all you idols are so talented!? Please teach me as well~ ^^

Amber, if I could ever meet you, I'd be so happy. I'd really like to be friends, and the reason isn't just that you're an idol. I really do think that you're an amazing person and I really would love to be friends with you. It's such a shame that we're continents apart and that you don't even know I exist.



Dear Victoria,

To be honest, I didn't really like you at first. I mean, I never hated you or anything, but you were never at the top of my list in f(x). You were perhaps fourth place. Now you're more of a second or third. I used to think that you were a bit... stuck up? I never knew your personality or anything. I didn't know anything about you. That was my first opinion of you though. Now that I know a bit more, I feel like that you're really cute! I saw this video of you once, and after that I would always think that you were a bright, cheerful person. Plus, you're of Chinese descent too.

I never watched WGM before, but I saw two clips of you in them. One of them was at the bench and the other was when you were standing in a window display. You were wearing the most beautiful wedding dress and pretending to wash the windows. Nickhun looked at you so endearingly. It made me feel fuzzy inside. That was when I decided to support Khuntoria. I don't know if you two really have romantic feelings for each other or not, but I think that your friendship is at least very nice. I have a feeling you two are quite close.

I'm pretty sure many people have said that you were beautiful, and it is very much true. I saw that pre-debut selca that you put up, and I thought, "Damn. She's so pretty!" People said it was very doll-like in that picture, but I think you were secretly happy of the results. Girls obsess over their photos, making sure people don't see your bad side. That's how we are, really. Even now you have that kind of natural beauty to yourself, like you have your own type of light shimmering around yourself. I haven't watched many shows relating to you or f(x), maybe two or three, but I still want to meet you. I think you'd make a great friend.

Sincerely, Charlotte

Dear EunHae,

I've decided to combine your letters to save space. Plus, I like using your couple name, it looks and sounds cool. I'll state one thing right now: Yesung is my bias in Super Junior. The reason why I picked you two instead of him is... Well, I think it'd be more fun and entertaining to meet you two. I mean, think about it, if I met Yesung, I'd probably be too awed and I wouldn't be in the right mind to carry a proper conversation. I'd just be another fan girl. However, if I met you two, I think I'd be able to be more... casual.

You might be thinking that I should pick Heechul instead, because he's very entertaining too. I am actually a bit afraid of Heechul. He's intimidating. If you don't use honorifics, then he'll basically bite your face off. If you don't reply to his messages, he'll delete you off his phone. This is my entry though, so I am fully allowed to not use honorifics.

I'd like to meet you, but not as much as I'd like to meet Amber or Victoria. I will be brutally honest about that.



Dear Kevin,

You make me laugh. You look like a normal person. I'd like to be friends.



Dear Key,

You have high self-esteem. I like that about you. You're confident about your outer looks, you're a fashionista. You know your talents and when to use them to your advantage. You're the umma of SHINee, which I like too, because you take very good care of your boys. Some people might think your bothersome at times, but that's how a mother is. Your love has to constrict them to protect them.

I completely believe in JongKey, only because it's really cute. It's like your best friends, but even more than that. It's the type of relationship that stays even years later.

I wish I could meet you. You seem like the type of reliable friend that I could trust with all my secrets. I would love to hear from you too. You seem like the type to hide your stress. Please do not overwork yourself. Rest often. 

I would also love if you taught me. Just saying.

Forever shining,


P. S. You're the umma of the group, but I feel like you're probably the most protective so I should approach you first. Please give me permission to marry your baby, Taemin. -bows- I am very sincere in my feelings.

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