Letter Twenty Eight - Someone That Changed Your Life.

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Dear Taemin,

Is this the first letter I've dedicated to you? I think so, but I'm not sure.

While many girls will probably say the same thing, you really have changed my life. I don't know where I would be as a person if it were not for you. 

I'm an ugly person, inside and out. Or, well, I was [I'd like to think that]. I was such a terrible girl, I can't explain it. I never did drugs or smoked or anything illegal of that sort. I was just... a bitch. I still am a bitch, but in a good sense. 

When I first got into SHINee, into you, I changed for the better. I tried being nicer, tried being more cheerful. I wanted to make someone's day happy, wanted to do something good for the world. You say smiling is important, I make sure that I, too, am a happy person. Even if the things I say can be blunt and sometimes downright rude, there are sincere feelings behind that. You taught me not to hold back my feelings, taught me how to be a real person. I don't want to be fake anymore, I don't want to be friends with someone just for the sake of being nice. If I don't like someone, I'll tell them about it, and maybe one day we'll both be friends, maybe not.

You taught me so much about myself that I can't thank you enough. I love you, I really do, but sometimes I think that it's hard. I've been thinking that I've fallen out of love with you, but that's never going to happen, ever. You put me in a glass castle, and I'm clear as crystal. I'm not some type of fragile butterfly, I won't fall, I promise you. I'll be myself, I'll be the best I can be. I'll do it all for you, because I love you. I sound delusional right now, but I just want to be myself.

Thank you,


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