Chapter Two

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Zayn's POV





"Mmm go away"  You're not Harry. Leave me alone.


"Go away"

"But I got news"

"Go. Away" I try to back into the couch more than I can. I hope it chooses to just suck me in now.

"Fuck Harry. He's a dick" Louis rubs my shoulder  over the blanket covering me. From this harsh world and a harsh Harry.

"Yes Harry's a dick. Now go away"

"Zayn's it's been three days. Zayn. We punched him -well I did Liam gave him a slap on the cheek though"

Three days. Wow. Three days on this couch. Three days since Harry walked out. Three days no call or text from Harry. Three days since I told him. Three fucking days without him. Three days feeling alone. Three days and I'm just done with myself.

"Doesn't make me feel better He's not here"

"He'll come around"

"Yeah. Most likely to pick up his stuff and move out because he thinks I'm a freak"

"Zayn. Your so special you don't even know it. You're a man who can have babies!"

"Don't remind me"

"No I will. Zayn it's a gift and if Harry can't handle having a gift like you than he's not worth it"

"Lou?" I uncover only my eyes. He runs his hand through my hair.


"You really mean it?" I feel my eyes pricking with tears. He nods coming closer to my kissing my forehead.

"Is Harry okay?" Louis smirks and shakes his head.

"Only you Zayn. Only you can worry about the person that's making you feel like shit at a time like this. You my love are a pure boy"

I uncover again showing most of my face. Louis lowly sighs

"Zayn, really don't worry about him. He'll come around.  know he loves you, You know he loves you. He wouldn't just leave like that. I can relate to him right now. It's shocking news. He probably didn't know how to handle it. Please don't worry about it okay?" I nod.

"Do you want me stay or go?"

"Go back to Li. I sure he needs you more than I do. I'll be fine"

"You sure?" I nod once again. He leans in again giving me a kiss on the cheek and running his hand through my hair on last time.

I hear the sound of the door lock and the keys locking it. I break myself free from my cave of blankets and pillows on the couch. I stand up stretching out my body. I pick up my phone from the table infront me whipping a tear from my eye thinking about how Harry's phone was right their beside mine three days ago.

I walk up the stairs making my way into our bathroom. I put my phone on the counter beside the sink. As I start to strip off my clothes I get a text from Niall.


I'll bring his dumb ass home

My lips twerk up for a millisecond. I continue to take off my sweatpants and boxers. I went to turn the shower on, I put the water for a warm temperature. Making sure I had everything that wasn't water prof off and my phone wouldn't fall off from where it was.

I calmly walk into the shower the warmth of the water helping me relax my tensed muscles from being a couch potato. I can't be fucking balance three fucking days and it's like Harry fucking disappeared from the earth. I stretch my arm over getting my Ralph Lauren body wash. Pouring a good amount in my hand before rubbing it all over my body. I rinsed it before getting my coconut shampoo rubbing it threw my hair, taking extra time to rinse it out. I bow my head under the shower head turning the water to a colder setting. Letting my tears mix in with the drops of water falling on my head. I take a deep sigh before shutting the water off, getting out of the shower wrapping my towel around my waist after partly drying myself. 

I walk to Harry and I's bed room going into the closet getting a navy jumper the smelt heavily of Harry's Armani cologne. The selves going longer the my arm length making me feel small. I miss Harry.   A gift I have him for his birthday. I slip the jumper on letting my towel fall as I walk over to my drawer getting a pair of sponge bob boxers and a pair of white and blue socks. I walk back to the bathroom putting my towel back in place and grabbing my phone.

I slip under the blanket on the bed holding my phone in my hand. I slip my hand over to put my phone on the bedside table. I slip my arm back under the blankets pulling it up all around me. I feel protected from this harsh world buried under my blanket. The sent of Harry from the jumper helps. Also fills me with false hope as well. I let my eyelids shut and slowly drift to sleep.


"Zayn" I hear a soft yet raspy voice calling my name. I act lifeless.

I hear the noise removal of jeans because of the pants belt making sounds all over. I feel shifting of the bed behind me. I try to stay still and not tense up. I know it's Harry. I don't want to forgive Harry. But I want Harry.

I feel the blanket behind me untuck and Harry's cold feet touching my legs mixing in with them. The warm breath of his sends rows of goosebumps down my arms. I felt it warm but also wet lips on the back of my neck. He'd no doubt licked them before kissing me. His kissing tail from the back of my neck to behind my ears ending off with sweet love filled pecks along my jawline with the mumbles like 'I'm sorry', 'I'm a dick' 'You should leave me' and 'I'm an Idiot' and my favourite 'I should've never left because Louis punched my dick and it hurt'.

I smirked a bit at the last one counting each time he said the mumble. My favourite was repeated about two times.

"Zayn. Baby I'm so freaking stupid not to mention fucking stupid. I love you and leaving was a dumb thing to do. I'm over the moon happy that you could be able to have our children. I can't even put word together to show how sorry I am"

"Three days Harry" I take a deep breath " Not a few hours or a day. But three. Fucking. Days!"

"I know. I know. And I'm so sorry, you know I would do anything for you. That I'll love you no matter what. We've been together to long"

"Do you still love me?" I turn around to look at Harry. I sit up and he does the same.

"Until the day I die and long after that" A small smile appears when he finishes the sentence.

"Would you wanna try?" I look down at our comforter thinking it over.

"Do- are, are you ready?"

"I think so. Are you?"


I hold out my pinky to Harry. 

" 'Till the end?" He locks his pinky with mine

" 'Till the end"

With that Harry leans in to close the distance between us and connects our lips. The kiss was simple our lips sliding smoothly over the other.  (the smut link)

(So the rest of this chapter is in Our Nine Months smut. Its another book And that is the link there and it also the external link. So basically any smut I right for this book will go there. The smut is up to you if you want to read it or not. doesn't matter. I'll try to make the next chapter longer to make up for this being so short  but originally this with the smut would have been 5 pages.)


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