Chapter Seven

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Zayn's POV


"O-p-o-s-s-u-m. Opossum!" I looked over at Harry who was waking up giving me a strange look.


"Zayn what are you doing?"

"Spelling opossum" Harry turns over his pillow then his body facing me on the bed.

"You mean possum"

"No I mean Opossum" Harry only shakes his head, closing his eyes  and lays back on his pillow. 

"It's to early for this. Zee, what time do you have to go to work?"

"Eleven why?"

"Just asking" I still had a good two hour before I had to go to work. I wanted to spend some time with Harry before he left aswelll but he chose to sleep. I get it though he's tired I'm tried too but not his tired; he's more work tired where I am more baby-toll tired.

"Go back to sleep" 

"I can't" Harry pulls on my arm, bringing me down to the space next to him in bed. He wraps his arms around my waist trying too pull me even closer to him. My back was to his chest, he kisses the back of my shoulder.


"I don't wanna"



"Zayn, you need your sleep"

"I'll get it another time" 

He doesn't say anything more just turns back to his pillow and drifts back to sleep. I sigh not bothering with him anymore getting up from the bed going into the bathroom, peeing first then taking a shower, brushing my teeth and doing my normal bathroom routine.

I walk back into the bedroom seeing Harry sitting up brushing a hand through his curls. I walk into the closet to pick out my outfit for the day. I pull on a pair of boxers under my towel, then letting it fall to the floor. I grabbed a grey wool jumper and darker grey skinny jeans along with a pair of white socks.

I walk the to the full length mirror on the otherside on our room. Looking at my body. I turn to the side looking so anysign of a slight to little bump, but it look the same as it did yesterday and the day before that and so on. I put my hard on my stomach to feel any hardness as a sign but nothing. I would say I felt a little something but that would be giving myself faulse hope. I sigh looking down at mu feet until I felt arms circle around my waist, arms that belonged to Harry of couse which is why I had no reason to jump in surprise.

"Don't worry yourself"

"I'm not"

"You are" 

"Really I'm not" I pull away from Harry a bit so I could pull the jumper over my upper half, then I rest back in Harry's arms.

"I can't help but be a little bit excited" He sighs and kisses my cheek.

"I know, baby. I know" He pulls back and away from me walking into the bathroom so he could get ready. I pulled on my pants and socks before making our bed. I open the curtains letting some solar light get into the room.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen to make a cup of tea for Harry and myself. Harry comes int the kitchen fully dressed and ready for work, looking more awake and acting lively. He leans down and gives me a kiss on the for head taking his traveling cup with the tea I made him. He pecks me on the lips and give my stomach a light rub and then looks up to my face flashing a smile. He yells a goodbye at the doorway then walks out with the door making a soft closing sound.

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