Chapter Twenty-Three

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Note: Does anybody have a guestimate on how many chapters our left? And does anyone smell a sequel, with lots of twists and bumps?

Zayn's POV

It's been five day since Isaac was born, making him a total of five days, Harry's been keeping count on how fast Isaac's been growing, already complaining on how it was way too fast. The child was five days for God sakes.

Isaac's been under watch with the nurses and doctors seeing as they found he was starting to have some irregular breathing. I was -am- worried about it, like any parent would be, but the doctors said it could be a case of early asthma, it could've been genetic, the doctors are doing their best to look into it. I've met people who have had and still have asthma, and they have it under control.

I, myself have been doing fine. I'm under medication, just a pain medication, to ease the tensioning pain from the stitches which are healing now. Not only did I have stitches I had staples keeping the outside of my stomach together. The stitches were mainly on the inside, as they would dissolve on their own time. I had gotten the staples out on my fourth day here, so yesterday. Staples were only kept three to five days or until the day you leave the hospital. Luckily enough for me, I was about to have the staples removed within four days. They scars were healing, but I still had to take in it, because of the risk of ripping a stitch or something. I wasn't really listening when they told me, but I should've.

Harry and I talked about the C-section when I was more coherent and he told me about how it was a bloody gory mess and he shouldn't have had to witness it. I apologized for him having to go through with seeing it. He told me he reason for alternating with being with me and watching the childbirth was because his stomach couldn't handle it. I kiss him, saying something like that wouldn't be happening until many years from now. I made sure to put an extra emphasis on the many years part, and explain how it was mostly his fault for getting me pregnant. The conversation didn't move on further than that as he just sat there and pouted before getting something for us to eat away from the horrible food they had in the cafeteria here.

When Isaac wasn't with the doctors being checked on, he was with Harry and I in my hospital room. He was honestly just the cutest thing, but of course my opinion was biased, since this was my child and anything he did would be cute to me. Unless he was like being bad, but he was an infant so that was unlikely to happen as of now. He couldn't do anything on his own, other than breath, which doctors are checking on, if he really could.

Right now I was holding Isaac while Harry was sitting the chair beside my hospital bed eating a lunch he grabbed by a cafe nearby. Isaac as of now seemed to be breathing fine on his own. It's mostly when he sleeps that major monitoring would be needed. I looked down at my -our- baby in amazement. It was worth it for this very moment.

"Zayn, babe, you want something to eat?" Harry offered holding out a brown bag that had a muffin in it I think.

"No, I'm good right now" I said, rubbing my thumb gently on Isaac's cheek as he yawned.

"You need to eat babe" he pushed.

"I will just not right now" I said, smiling at Isaac as he opened his eyes for a brief second.

Harry got up to throw his trash in the garbage, then walked over, after washing his hands and taking Isaac from me handing me the bag with the muffin as he held our child, cooing at the baby. I pouted, I'd rather hold my child, opposed to eating this muffin, but Harry was right I did need to eat. My appetite has been lowered since Isaac was born, I didn't think it was that noticeable.

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