Chapter Three

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Zayn's POV

I was touching Harry. Summing it up basically. He's still beside me sleeping. He's deep asleep, I think I should be the one deep asleep but no he is. It's not like I want to sleep anyways poking around at Harry's face is fun. Espically when I poke him in the nose and he brings his hand up to push my hand away. It's like he asleep but not. 

After our events last night I woke up a bit after Harry was soudly sleeping and I know because he kind of talks-no more like whispers in his sleep. After he says a sentence or two he's really out like a light. I watched him sleep for a while before getting lost in my thoughts.

I thought about if we really were sucsessful in making the baby? Did it actually work? What would the gender be? I thought of more positive thing oppsed to the neggitvies but some ended up slipping in my mind like what if Harry leaves me? or what if the baby had a birth defect? I'd love my baby no matter how he or she came out. It will always be my baby no matter what.

One the was there-in the back of my mind- was what if the baby was intersex like me? It's a hard choice to make. I already know what I want I'd like a boy. It'd be easier to take care of. I'd understand a boy. Also when he'd grow up I wouldn't have to go through all the girl stuff. 

Back to now I'm still in bed Harry's still asleep and I'm bored also kind of hungry aswell. I reach under the covers between Harry and I's bodies and pinch his nipple. He squrims a little before settling down letting out a deep breath. 

I'm also using this time to admire my lovely boyfriend. Taking in his close to flawless skin. His curly hair that I love to run my fingers through, green eyes like a rich person's well manicured grass. His dimples I'd do anything he'd told me too. His smile that makes me feel like our first summer together is never ending. His pink lips that can give you the sweetest and most loving kisses. I didn't fall inlove with his face I feel in love with the cheeky loving personailty the face happened to come along with.

I pinch his nipple again. I want him to wake up. Instead of moving this time he touches around looking for my hand. Whe he finds it he interlocks our fingers bring our joined hands to his lips kissing mine. His eyes slowly start to open. His green eyes looking more of a dark green in daze. He blinks a few times before bring our hands up again kissing mine while mumbling a quiet but raspy morning on them.

"Morning" I move closer to his face and kiss the tip of his nose.

"Why are you up so early? You're never up before me?"

"Good mood I guess" I say slightly shrugging since I'm lying down.

Harry sits up in the bed pulling me into his lap. I make myself confortable between his legs. He pulls the covers up, so that it covers my shoulders while his are left bare. Times like this makes me feel like time stops for just Harry and I. His hands wrap around my waist and he kisses my temple.

"Lets go eat" I say will looking at the sun partly shinning through the window in the room. I feel him nod and push me away from where I was to put on a pair of basketball shorts. I try not to frown from being pushed away. It's Harry he, has his moods. I think nothing of it letting drift to the back of my mind with a shake of my head. 

I pull my blankets back uncovering my naked lower half. I go over to closet and pull out a light blue t-shirt. I pull the t-shirt my body as I walk over to our drawers that hold more clothes, I choose a pair of black and white checkered boxers. After pulling my boxers on I walk over to the door where Harry was crouching down infront of me. 

"Get on" Without much hesitation I jumped on Harry's back securing my legs round his wais and my arms around his neck. He opens the door and we walk down the hallway to the stairs.

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