Chapter Ten: Month Three

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Month 3: December 6th, week 12 .

Zayn's POV

"How you feelin' pukey boy?" Harry says the bathroom sink where he was sitting watching me as I let most to all of the contents of my stomach, empty out into the toilet bowl.

"I'd be better if I wasn't puking" I say, before leaning back over the toilet spitting out some bile.

"I looked online and the morning sickness should be stopping soon, 'cause you're at the third month"

"Whoop dee do"

"I love you" He says walking out the bathroom, most likely to go downstairs to make lunch.

"I hate you" I yell back sitting from the toilet, pulling down on the handle flushing all the contents that had previously been in my stomach. Harry came back, poking his head through the door frame looking at me.

"That's the wrong answer Zaynie baby. It's I love you because you love me"

He says proudly walking in the bathroom again, sticking out a hand to help pull me up. Another whoop dee fucking do for sudden weight gain. When I got to my feet I stood up stretching which caused my shirt to rise up giving Harry the chance to tickle my stomach, instantly causing me to curl in attempting to protect myself from anymore tickling there.

I straighten up looking up at Harry who simply leans down and gives me a kiss on the nose, this time really leaving both the bathroom and bedroom. I come out my two minute stare at the wall daze and walk out the room as Harry did earlier.

When I walked downstairs I saw Niall sitting on our couch watching T.V almost as if he actually lived here. I went and sat beside him on the couch. He was just watching spongebob. I'm not the biggest fan of the show but for more childlike people it does wonders.

"Hey Niall"

"Mornin" He gives me a small smile.

"Did Harry let you in?"

"Nope. Louis"

"Louis here?"

"Yup, with Liam too"

"And I can find Louis?" I ask, because I haven't heard Harry yell; yet.

"Last I saw him left Liam and I to go to the basement" He looks over to Liam who was walking in the room. He took the arm chair.

"Morning Zayn"

"Mornin' Liam" I get up going to the basement.

"I'm going to find Louis" I heard a pan drop from the kitchen, then Harry storms out.

"That thing's here too?"

"Be nice"

"Yeah, Harry be nice, and get back to cookin'" Niall yells to him. Harry doesn't say anything just walks back into the kitchen.

"Liam come help me!" I heard him scream out, when I opened the door to the basement.

I walked down the stairs, then staight to the sitting area plopping down on the couch beside Louis. Who was laying down, hiding his face in the pillow. I think we have too many stairs, it's a God damn work out.

I put my hand on his back rubbing small circles. He didn't do anything just stayed the same as if I wasn't here. He might be in one of his moods. Happened quite often after a fight with Liam or something that bugs him to no end in general, he'd come over and depending on his mood, the actions he does varies. Not that I mind, I've gotten used to it by now. It's something to know a person for that long.

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