Chapter Twenty: Month Eight

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Note: I have mix feelings about what I'm doing. Do I even really know what I'm doing? (Probably not (: ) Last chapter though... it was really busy and there was a bunch of things to take in. Sorry if anyone was lost and confused but I didn't want to break it into two chapters so it needed to all be in the one.

Month 8: May, 23rd, week 37 and a half.

Zayn's POV

"Has he called you yet?" An angry Louis asked me.


"He's a coward. A big coward" Louis says sitting next to me.

"Hey, no negative energy around the baby" I say rubbing my hands on my bump.

"How are you so calm?"

"One, it's because you're not, and two because I have a  baby due in less than three weeks and the father dipped out, so I have to be calm and mature about this" I said calmly taking a sip of water.

"Fine. On a happier note, I have a surprise for you!" Louis said more excitedly.

"If it's a surprise, it should probably stay that way" I said back lightly.

"Maybe. But really, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I think it's good that he left for his 'space' hopefully he can take the time to mature and learn to not run away from situations. I used the time to see that I can't be so dependent on Harry. Do I love him any less? No. Do I miss him of course? But it is what it is" I ended with shrug.

"That was so inspirational" Louis said, with a raise of his eyebrows.

"I hint sarcasm" I said pushing his shoulder.

"You hint right" He said as he tapped my nose, and then stood up from the couch fixing his sweat pants. Without much of Harry's clothes around and with a bunch of Louis' here now, this place is more like a sweatpants house. Since I mostly wear sweatpants now, and on weekends and most days, Louis wears them too.

"Get up, and get ready. You have a doctor’s appointment today, and you might just be late" Louis said standing up in front of me, helping me get up from the couch.

We both head upstairs, and get ready, then walk down grab some food from the kitchen and make our way out of the house to Louis' car.


"You are a pregnancy pro now! Handling all the aches and pains that come with the territory, the changes, and the logistical challenges that your baby and belly have gone through it’s not much longer now. I'm proud of you Zayn." Is the first thing doctor Tuazon says to me.

"Thanks. I'm proud of myself too, but I'm ready for this baby to be out. I feel like I've been pregnant for years and I miss my skinny jeans" I said sitting on the ultrasound bed.

"Zayn at this point, I believe you'll be fine. I'll be the doctor giving you the C-section, along with nurse Carraso being there and another doctor will be there too, all signed to secrecy on contract"

"Alright" I said as I pulled of my shirt and lay back on the ultrasound bed.

"Ha, you're getting this now. In three weeks or so you’re going to have the baby, that's been on the screen" Dr. Tuazon said with a smile, as she turned on the machine.

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