Chapter Twenty-One

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Note: I've decided to not end this fic and keep it going on forever!!!!1! No I lie. It's ending soon but there are still three to four chapters left. Don't worry your little heads about it. Enjoy

Zayn's POV

"Zayn, baby, what are you doing up?" Harry said from behind me, arms snaking around my waist and stomach.

"I woke up and I had to pee, because this child was playing soccer with my bladder, and then I saw the sun was rising and was like why not watch it?" I said back quietly, looking out of the window.

"It's way too early for you to be up, you need to sleep" Harry said, kissing the back of my neck, then moved so that his head was resting lightly on my shoulder.

"I really just wanna watch the sun rise!" I whined out.

"Fine, but you're gonna be a whinny little bitch later" Harry said, arms wrapping tighter around me.

"When am I not?" I joked.

"I love you all through it though" I turned around in his arms to face him bringing my hands up to his cheeks tapping the lightly.

"You better" I said leaning in to kiss his lips, then turn around to watch the sun rise again, enjoy the peace and calming mood it was setting.

"It really is breath taking" Harry said rocking us gently from side to side as the sun started to peak up from behind some of the houses.

"And you wanted me to sleep" I said.

"I don't think I'm going to work today, not feeling up to it" Harry said after a while.

"I just finished up the last few projects for work and emailed them to my boss. I think I'd be set until I have to go back to work"

"Well look at that we stayed to watch the sun rise and now you should get all the rest you can, seeing as in two weeks or less, sleep will be something we'll be very deprived of" Harry said closing the curtains and grabbing my hand pulling me back to our bed.

He laid down first then pulled me next to him, grabbing my waist pulling me even closer, and my back to his front. His arms securely around my waist as he fell back asleep in no time, while I on the hand got caught up in my thoughts about when the baby comes and my future, until I myself fell back to sleep.


I was up, hazily staring into deep green eyes. I gave myself sometime to regain my vision before looking back at Harry who was facing me with a lazy smile, with his dimples making an appearance.

"Wakey, wakey sleeping head" Harry said, rubbing his thumb on my cheek.

"Mmm, what time is it?" I ask sleepily.

"Twenty pass eleven" Harry said, looking at the white numbers telling him the time on his phone screen.

"Alyssa, said she'd be dropping Megan off around lunch" I said slowly sitting up in the bed only to be pulled back down by Harry, who pulled my closer to him.

"No, stay here and cuddle" Harry says arms wrapping around me, as he kissed my forehead.

"I promised her we'd watch Megan for the day, and it'd be good parenting practice" I tried to coax him into letting us get up and be productive, so we could get ready for Megan coming over, instead of just laying down and letting our bed tempt us into staying and laying down in it, to laze away our day in it.

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