Chapter Four: Month One

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Month 1: October 19th, week 4 and a half.

Zayn's POV

It's been about one month since Harry and I tried to conceive. So far all I've been feeling was tired. I might have only puked once but that could have been from the food I had that night- my fault for trying something new. I've also been peeing a lot but I've increase my intake on drinks.Mostly water. Harry's been really suportive.He hasn't had a 'Harry mood' for the past month.

I can't help but feel not pregnant. I know Harry wants a child and I want a child but what if I'm not pregnant. I know Harry won't leave me. Would he? I mean at first he had the idea of adopting until I could him I could be able to, now he has the idea of having his biological children.

I looked up what kinds of symtoms I should be beginning to feel by now so far I felt on two.

- Missed period. I've never had a period so that's not applicable

-Feeling tired. Yes I've been pretty tired and I've been taking more time off work.

-Feeling sick. The urges to puke have been there but not the actul pucking other than that one time.

-Changes in your breasts. It says : You may notice your breasts getting larger, feeling tender, or tingling in the early weeks of pregnancy. In addition, the veins on your breasts may show up more and your nipples may get darker.

I look down to my nipples as I was currently shirtless. They don't look any bigger but maybe a tad darker but it could be my wanting to make myself seem pregnant.

-Going to the loo more often. Yes. There was this one time I needed to pee after I sneezed probably the worst thing that's happened while doing 'stuuf' with your boyfriend.

-Mood swings and stress. Not that I noticed. Maybe I should ask Harry?

-Changing tastes in food. Again this whole try a new food thing which make me puke. So I guess that's a maybe.

Out of the seven systoms I've had about four maybe five. I book mark the page on my laptop just incase I needed to check this again. Harry's said I should take a pregnacy test. Funny I might be a month pregnant but I haven't talking a test yet.

I rush out the bed pushing the half of Harry that was on me, rip the blanket the was covering me off making my way to the ensuite bathroom. Getting down on my kness I pull the lid of the toilet up letting go of the contents in my stomach. As this happenes I hear Harry shuffling around in our room the the door being opened. I guessing he left the room as it was silent only noise coming from me as I continue to vomit.

The door to the bathroom opened and I hear Harry's sock clad feet walk against the tiles of the bathroom. I look seeing he'd set a bottle of tylenol extra strenght and a glass of water. He sat on the floor next to me stroking a hand through my hair while also rubbing soft cirles on my back. I felt his warm lips press on the back on my next then in the middle of my left and right shoulder balde.

After I was for sure I was done my vomiting eposide Harry pulled the glass of water to my lips to wet my dry thoart while he got two pills for me. Sallowed the pills and took a long sip of water. Harry flushed the toilet then pulled me back into his chest kissing my head.

"Feeling bad?"

"No. This could be a sign Harry" I snuggle back into his chest more He brings on of his hands rubbing it over my still flat stomach.

"You think?"

"Yeah. I'm not a fan of the puking but if it means I have our child in me I don't mind" He only nods knowing nothing more has to be said. He tilts my head so he could kiss my temple. He slips from behind me only so he could pull me up. He sets me infront of the sink I get the hint picking up my tooth brush and started to brush my teeth.

I walk back into our bedroom seeing Harry lying on our made bed in some jeans with a v-neck on. He smiles at me as if implying for me to get in bed with him. I hold up a finger telling him in a minute. I walked into our closet getting grey sweat pants that were longer then my legs - must be Harry's- I pulled on a while and blue v-neck.

I get in the bed being instantly wrapped up by Harry's muscular arms. He pulls me deeper into the bed and closer to his body. He kisses my cheek even though he could've kiss my lips because we were lying face to face.

"Do you think were ready to be parents?" I look up to Harry calm face. I think he was about to fall asleep again, I don't blame him I'm pretty tired myself.

"I think we'll manage" He spoke after a yawn. I nod and snuggled up to Harry, letting sleep take over.



"Yes Zayn?"

"Can you get me a drink"

"Why can't you get it?"

"I'm busy" He give me a questioning look. We were both in the living room, the t.v. playing as a background noise. Harry and I only mindlessly talking, I think that's what I like most about us as a couple. We don't need to be constantly talking or have to have meaning full conversations. It could be one worded answers and the other would be fine.

"I can't"

"Why can't you Harry?"

"Zayn" I look at him. "You're sitting on my lap"

"Carry me to the kitchen" He only sighs wrapping his arms around my waist as he starts to stand up while carrying me. In the kitchen he sets me down on the counter top as he goes into our cupboards getting a glass. He sets the glass beside me wallking to the fridge getting out the cartoon of grape juice. He set poured the juice in the glass putting the cartoon back. I pick up the glass bringing it to my lips taking a sip.

"Thank you" He didn't say anything thing but I know he heard me. He closes the fridge with a bottle of beer in hand he walks over then in between my legs setting he beer behind me then each of his arms go on either side of me. He brings his forehead to mine looking straight into me eyes.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Forever and always?"

"Zayn and Harry , forever and always" With that conet our lips for a sweet kiss.


I shall end it there. Nothing much to say today. If you think its short it's only because It's a month and not a chapter. My chapters are always about three pages. Also I know this says 'Chapter Four: Month One' The month one part is the focus. Do you get it?

Thanks for reading.

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