Chapter Eleven

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Note: Umm. This goes back a few weeks to what happened between Louis and Liam. Yeah. Basically it's a view on the past.

At The Payne Tomlinson Residence.

Louis' POV

I was sitting on the couch spamming Zayn's phone with messages, because he wasn't replying and I have nothing else to do. Liam wasn't home yet, so I was feeling lonely and hungry. I was waiting for Liam to come home so we could eat, because we usually eat dinner together because he was usually home on time.

To say Liam's acting different was a lie. Or maybe it wasn't. I mean he's normal when we're around people for the most part, but when were back home he's always doing work or busying himself spending less and less time with me.

I swear it was like an automatic setting he had now, come home, give me a kiss, sit at the table we'd eat dinner I'd wash up and he'd lock himself in the office he had here for two hours then go in the bathroom -shower,brush up- then give into bed and repeat.

I'm not sure what to do. I want my cuddly boyfriend back. The one who would find the lamest excuses to kiss me, not the one who made them up not too. The boyfriend who was affectionate and caring with the right amount of cuddly.

I sigh dropping my phone on the couch. Zayn wasn't going to reply. I didn't really mind I know he can't be there twenty-four seven, no matter how much I'd like him to be he couldn't, he has a life of his own and I shouldn't stop him for living it. It's not really stopping him if I need him right?

I look back up to the clock that was under the television which was on the wall, reading nine thirty-two pm. Which meant Liam was a hella late. The latest he ever came was half past seven but there was a reasonable answer it was snowing and he wanted to be careful while driving. Tonight I'd like to see what he's going to come up with since there was not a flake or spot of snow on the ground.

He hasn't called or texted me since lunch time. The guy gets off at six o'clock, the least he could do was send a freakin' text. I'm fucking worried. I've called him twice and texted him thee times. I don't want to do anything more, I already feel clingy and I'm not clingy. I won't be. I'm probably just over thinking things.

I look up from where my hands were picking at my-Liam's black basketball shorts. I heard the front door open and close, then the sounds of Liam taking off his shoes and walking around the house , to where I was probably to give me a kiss and do the rest of his automatic setting.He stripped off his jacket laying it on the arm of the arm chair then walked over to me and sat next to me on the couch. I crossed my legs doing my best to look pissed and ignore him. Let's see if he likes the shit he's been doing to me.

"Hey Baby" Liam turns his body to face me, leaving a hand on my knee. I just dropped my gaze to it, seeing if I could burn a hole through it.

"Hi" I say stiffly. I wasn't in the mood for his stupid pet names, no matter how much I wanted him to be sweet and kind I wanted an apology first.

Liam lets out a sigh looking over at me, moving in to kiss my cheek. I didn't move. I let him kiss my cheek, I could tell he wanted more because he used the hand the wasn't on my knee to turn my head so he could kiss me a bit more. The hand on my knee started to slide up higher and higher moving past my thigh. I wasn't in the mood for this to night.

I know we haven't in a while (much to my dismay) but I'm not going to play the dumb denial house bitch that bends over whenever he wanted it. Before his lips could touch mine I slapped his hand away from my face and pushed away the one on my knee, standing up from my place on the couch. Looking at Liam, who had a shocked and confused face. I don't even know the look on my face but I want to bet I was a bit red.

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