Chapter Five

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Zayn's POV

I open my eyes waking up to an empty bed. I touch my hand on Harry's side, it's cold saying he left the bed a while ago. I get up to go look for Harry but made a detour to the bathroom to pee.

After walking around the whole house ( the kitchen because I was hungry and the living room just because I needed to sit down) I walked back up the stairs about to give up and just call Harry but I smelt the faint sent of smoke and tobacco. I tried to follow it and in all the while not to breathe it in. The sent trail led me to the guest bedroom. 

I quietly open the slipping my body through the big enough crack I made. I walk over to the double door opposite the bed. Just as I thought Harry standing in his pajama pants one hand on his hip the other holding a lit cigarette. I walk out on to the balcony, walking behind Harry wrapping my arms around his waist.

He stays nuteral not even flinching or a jump of surpise. He brings the cigarette up to his lips inhaling the smoke before blowing it out, tapping the end of it. I kiss inbetween the back of his shoulder blades. Knowing he wasn't going to say anything I just stayed quiet. Harry usually comes out here to think about things and perfers it to be quiet. 

He brings the cigarette back up to his lips once more, exhaling the smoke then stubbing the cigarette bud on the railing of the balcony, throwing it over. The hand that was on his hip bends backwards grasping my pajama pants pulling me around until I was infront of him my back to his naked chest.

He nuzzels his head between my neck and shoulder leaving a kiss before setting fully. Using the same hand that pulled me around to wrap around my waist. His thumb rubbing over my hipbone. 

"Do you think your getting any bigger?" I looked down at my flat or usaul looking belly. Shugging my shoulders.

"No, don't think so"

"What are our plans for today?"

"Our plans? I thought you had work?"

"No, day off"

"Alright, what do you want to do today?"

"Anything you want too" I say turning around to face his chest wrapping my arms around his waist again. I kissed the spot between his sparrow tattoo's.

"Watch a few movies and maybe call the guys for a hang later?"

"Sure and Harry?"

"Yeah babe?"

"You're going to need to quit smoking around me, I'll let you have uptill the third months but try to stop. I want this baby to have it's daddy for as long as he or she can"

"You came to be this morning but yeah whatever, I'll try" He kisses my forehead.

"That's all I ask"




"You wanna take a bath?"

"Do I smell?" I lift my arm to smell my armpit. I was always going to be easily freak out that Harry would one day judge me on something. I couldn't live with him hating or dislikeing something about me.

"No, no babe you don't smell I'm just bored of movies and I feel like taking a bath... With you"

"Oh" I say blushing. He wanted to take a bath with me.

"Is that a yes?" I nod. 

Harry takes my hand leading the way upstairs to our bedroom ensuit. He walks over to the tub that was across the shower (we had bathroom with both a shower and bathtub) turning both the hot and cold nobs to the fullest to make that water warm. He also added in some bubbles. Only my boy.

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