Chapter Eight Month: Two and a half

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Month 2: November 16th week 8 and a half.

Zayn's POV



"You awake?"


"Well, wake up"  I say closer to his ear. I'm feeling wide awake this morning.


"Because I said so" I say getting out of the bed walking to the wash room.

 I stop in the middle of the run as I pulled off my shirt and ran my hand over my stomach. I trying my best to contain myself, but I couldn't I let out a little shriek running over to the full lenght mirror. Harry was now sitting up in bed watching me. He ran a hand through his hair- which I thought looked really sexy because he was also shirtless but my main focus was on my belly.

"Harry look"

He gets out the bed, and I swear he was doing it as slowly as he could intil I went over and pulled his arm leading him to the mirror with me. I place his hand over my stomach. His plam was flat against it.


"Don't you feel it?" 

"No" I sigh. Keeping my hand over his rubbing it around my stomach it where a very small bump was starting to form. I felt it and that's all the really mattered to me. Harry started to poke my stomach which made me squrim around until he pulled me in his arms and started to tickle me. I was trying to fight back but I couldn't I was to busy laughing as he tickled me. 

"Harry please"

"Say you love me"

"You know I love you already" He keeps tickleing me, I couldn't stand anymore and I was laying on my back on the ground, with Harry stradling my lap tickling my sides.

"Say it"

"I love you!"

"Couldn't here you"  That asshole.

"I love you!"

 Harry finally stops and I take in deep breaths trying to regain myself. Harry stay stradling me, him leaning over me. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips the pulls back looking at me. I could tell he was really looking at me. Looking at every quality and flaw I had. Thatt fact the he loves each and every part of me makes me love him even more each day.

"I love you too" 

"Zayn, you wanna shower with me? ya'know to save water and all that stuff" Harry asks with a wink.

"Sure. But keep your hands to yourself" He stands up, pulling me up with him. 

"I can't say I will" He gives me a look over and licks his lips. I swear this boy will be the death of me. I shake my head and pull my boyfriend and myself into the bathroom for a shower. 

"Zayn you look good from the front but even better from the back" 

Harry said from behind me as I pulled off my pajama bottoms and boxers, he did the same with his. I turn on the tap for the shower setting th water to warm, then pushed back the shower curtin stepping inside. 

Harry came in and stood behind me wrapping him arms around my waist, kissing the back of my shoulder. I was infront meaning I was getting more wet than Harry was.


The shower was nothing sexual, just calm and sweet. It took a while longer becuase Harry wanted to be playful.

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