Chapter Six: Month Two

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Month 2: November 1st, week 8.

Zayn's POV

"Uncle Zaynie!" My friends daughter calls me from the other side of Starbucks. I was meeting with my friend and her daughtern seeing we both had a day off and haven't seen each other in a while. The little girl with bright green eyes runs up to me running inbetween the people in her way, I bend down to her level so she runs into my arms. I stand back up walking over to wherew her mother was sitting the sun relfecting in her green eyes making them shine bighter.

I walk over to where she was sitting, giving her a kiss on the cheek then sitting in the seat across from her. I sit down with Megan- the little girl's names. Megan was a spitting image of her mother the green eyes, gloden blond hair, nicely tanned skin and personailty wise aswell both pretty out going and Megan was only three.

"Hey Zayn"

"Alyssa, how are you?"

"Fine, ya'know same old. What about you?"

"It's been good. Megan started preschool, she really loves it"

"Glad to hear that. Eh baby girl? You like preschool?"

"Yes! I made lots of friends and I have a boyfriend his names Joshua" She says looking up at me.

"Do I need to beat up this Joshua?"

"No, Josh's is okay"

I took a sip of the green tea frap that Alyssa had ordered for me before I got here. I felt like I couldn't keep it down but that I could at the same time.

"So Zayn, how's the baby work?"

"I wont really know for sure until next month, when we go the doctors"

Alyssa was one of the other people who new about me and my abilites. She didn't jugde me like I thought she would and I'm ashamed of myself thinking one of my closest friends would jugde me. She did the opposite actually she wanted to make a pregnacy pack like the movie. The year after she got pregnant I met Harry and we were just friends at the time.

Megan hands me her cotton candy frap trying to get me to drink it. I took a small sip from it and she pulls it back into her arms like I was stealing it from her. The Starbucks wasn't really full like I thought it would be. Just a few people spead out around doing their own thing.

"You guys ready to go?"


"Mommy where we goin'?

"Anywhere you wanna go babes"

"I want to go see uncle Harry?" Megan looks up at me while Alyssa looks over to me.

"We can't see Harry hun, he's working. How about we go to the movies then the park?"

"Let's go!" Megan jumps off my lap, pulling me off my chair, or trying to. When she couldn't pull me off she went to her mother and pulled her off. I excused myself to the washroom before we left.


We were now at Alyssa's house after our eventful day. We watched some kiddie movie that Megan wanted to see, then we went to the park but had to leave early because Megan got hurt. The toddler was sleeping in her room while Alyssa and I were talking in the living room.

"How's Harry?"

"The same I guess"



"You and I both that's a lie"

"I said he was the same, how am I lying?"

"The last time I asked you this and you said 'the same' you and Harry were in lovey dovey paradise and you honeslty saying you guys are still there?"

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