chapter 1

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            Okay well this is one of those student/teacher relationships but with a twist. Its different then all the others I have read so I hope you like it!



        "OMG!!! I GOT THEM I GOT THEM!" Skylar yelled as she ran up the drive way to my small house. Only me, my mother, and my little sister lived here. My father died a year ago from cancer.

      "You got what?" I asked wondering what she was freaking out over. She held up two tickets in her hands and I had to lean in closer to read what they said.  Tame Me tour. June 15 at 5 pm. Maddison Square Garden.

     "Oh my gosh!! You got tickets to the Tame Me tour!?" I said back. We have wanted to get tickets to this tour forever and now we had them. She nodded and then we jumped up and down, her sandy blond hair flying into my black hair.

      Today was June 9 so we only had a few days to get packed since we were hours away from Maddison Square Garden. We were planing on heading up there on the 11th and stay till the 20th.


        I was fixing my hair and getting ready for the long drive when my phone buzzed. I checked to see that there was one new message from Sky.

      'Hey r u almost ready? And r we taking ur car or mine?'

   I hit the reply button and sent back 'yes and mine'. I put my hair stuff into my bag and went down stairs to get a muffin. I went back up to my room and grabbed my two bags to put in my trunk. "Bye mom!!" I yelled as I walked out the door.

    When I got to Skylar's and after we put her bags with mine we left. "Hey stop here and lets get a soda." She said pointing at a C-Barn off of the high way.

      After the 5 hour drive we finally made it to our hotel and payed. We went up the stairs and put our bags on the floor. Skylar collapsed onto one of the two twin beds. I ran and jumped on the bed before laying down next to her.

     "Okay what are we going to do for the next four days?" she asked me. I just shrugged. I had no clue we could hit a couple of clubs or go shopping but we didnt know this place, we didnt know what there was to do around here.

    Eventually we decided to hit up some clubs. We called for a cab because we didn't know where to go and once it got to the hotel we hopped in.

   "So, where to, Madams?" The cab driver asked. He was an older guy and was almost bald.

  "Um.. Do you know any clothing stores that aren't to exspensive?" I asked him. We had brought money but not much.

  He thought about it. Then nodded and said hold on. He drove to a small shop and the outfits on the maniquens were so cute. "Thanks!" I told him as I got out and paid.

  "Do you want me to wait? It would cost a few more dollars but there is a couple more shops down the block." I looked at Skylar to see what she thought and after a silent conversation, I nodded.

  "That would be great we will be about thirty minutes, though." He nodded and then shut off the cab so he wouldn't waste gas.

  As we got in side we looked around and grabbed a few things to try on. I bought a couple of shirts, a pair of jeans, and a pair of heels.

   Skylar bought a skirt, a pair of skinny jeans, a top, and like three pairs of shoes. We got back into the cab and the driver, who's name turned out to be Billy, showed us a couple more stores then we went back to the hotel to get ready.

   After we got dressed, we got back into the cab and Billy drove us to a club. He had given us his number so we could call him when we were ready to go back to the hotel.

   All in all, it was a fun first night in New York.


Okay I know that this was really short but the chapters will get longer I promise. This is just the starter chapter. I hope you keep reading and hope you like it.

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