chapter 15

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Chapter 15

   I woke up all excited to go find out who could have possibly done this to us. It was a Friday so Ryder took off to meet up with me and my mother was at work.

   Since my mother worked till 5:30 every other day of the week that meant I had enough time to get some time to myself and spend sometime with Rylyn and Ryder.

   I went down stairs to make some breakfast, which consisted of a bowl of cereal and a banana, when the front door opened.

  “Hello?” I asked wondering who was coming in my front door at 7 o’clock in the morning.

   “Chill down its just me.” I heard Skylars voice come from down the hallway.

   “Why the hell are you banging open my door at 7 am instead of in school young missy!?!?” I asked with seriousness in my voice even though I was just playing around. I knew she would play back.

  “Oh mother dearest I am so sorry I have been dying to see my baby and her mother. Oh please do not portrayed me to the pits of Hell for being late to school.” She said a little to dramatic and way to much of a southern accent.

   “Watch you language young lady!!” I shouted making both of us crack up.

  I stopped eruptedly and got all serious again. “But seriously why are you in my house at 7 in the morning?”

   Which only made us laugh even more. “I need your opinion.” I nodded and she showed me a bunch of outfits asking which one would say she’s interested but not going to put out on a first date.

    Rylyn started crying and I went to go move up the stairs when I was pushed out of the way. Luckily I was done with my cereal so I didn’t get milk all over me.

  “She wants auntie Sky so I am going to get her!” Skylar said as she through all of her clothes on the stairs.

   I was driving down the highway while Rylyn played with a toy in the back seat. We were almost there and I was so going to kick whoever told’s ass!

   I slowly pulled into the parking space and got Rylyn out of her seat. As I walked toward the pavilion I rocked Rylyn back and forth in my arms.

  “There’s my girls!” Ryder said as he watched us approach. He took Rylyn from my hands and bounced her on his lap.

   “Go little Lynny, go to town! Ride your horsey round and round! Go little Lynny, go to town! Ride your horsey and don’t fall down!” Ryder sung as he bounced her on his knee.

   It was so cute to see him take interest in her life and be so fatherly to her. “I would have never pegged you as a guy to sing to a baby!” I said laughing.

   “Well she’s my daughter and she loves the song. I used to sing it to my little brother when he was a baby.” He said the last part with a distinct sadness in his eyes but the smile was still on his face. If you didn’t know him as well as I did then you wouldn’t have seen how sad he really was inside.

   “Where is he now?” I said rubbing his back.

  “He died when he was 9 from cancer but I know he’s alright now he’s a fighter and I cant wait to see him again.” I layed my head on his shoulder.

   I said gently, “Its okay.”

  “Okay well enough about me. This is supposed to be exciting news not sad news.” Yeah lets find out who this bitch is!

   “Well you know we weren’t the only ones at that concert. There were a lot  of other people there that you might of known but just didn’t see. I went and asked the lead guitarist if he saw anyone back behind stage that looked like they shouldn’t have been and he said yes.”

   Ooooh now we are getting somewhere! “Well who was it?”

  “He told me that there was this girl who looked to be about 17 or 18 and of course being a total retard went and talked with her and found out her name. Jessica. And he took this picture or them together. Aaralyn do you know this girl” He held up a picture and I was shocked at what I saw.

   It was of a girl and a guy. The guy was really cute but not as sexy Ryder was. And for the girl, well, she wasn’t someone popular but I did know her. I recognized her pale blond hair and her bright greenish brown eyes and even the nose piercing of a dolphin on the left side of her nose.

   This girl was someone I used to talk to for every thing and would do every thing with. One that I thought liked me that wouldn’t go behind my back and do this to me. Of course we haven’t talked in a while but that didn’t mean that I didn’t care.

   I loved her to death and was actually hoping that this was all a coincidence. But knowing her chances are it wasn’t. She probably did this on purpose but then again there was that tiny feeling in my heart that she wasn’t the one who did this to me.

  This girl Jessica was my twin.

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