chapter 26

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Chapter 26

  Aara's POV:

 I made plans to hang out with Skylar today, just me an her, because I havn't had a lot of time to hang with her lately. Ryder was watching Rylyn and him and Kinton were going to take the kids out some where.

  "So, are you still mad at me?" I asked as we walked into a small vintage shop.

 "Yes." I just laughed. She was still pissed at me for telling Kinton where she lived. I think she actually had fun she just doesn't want me to tell her I told you so.

  "So what did you all do?"

  "Well, he took me hostage, like I said, then he made me jump off of the diving board.... hekissedme, then I met his mom when we picked up Chase, went back to his house, watched movies, went to bed, kissedsomemore, ate waffles, then he dropped me back off at home."

  She mumbled some things really fast and I couldn't really understand what she was saying. "You did what?" She wouldn't look at me but I could see the faint blush and a smile come across her face.

  "We kissed." I squealed.

  "I knew it! I told you he liked you. And you didn't believe me." I gave her my 'I told you so' and she laughed.

  "Yeah, I told him not to tell you because I didn't feel like listening to you tell me that." I laughed.

 We looked a little more and then went to another shop. After about three more shops we went for lunch.

  "Where do you want to go?" She asked me. I thought about it, I really hadn't had Mexican food in forever so that is how we ended up in a Mexican restaurant with a horrible mariachi band and a crazy ass creeper dude behind us.

  "And you wanted to have Mexican." Skylar said eating her food. Even though the place was bad the food was actually really good. I just smiled. We talked and I kept bringing up Kinton. I think she was starting to get aggravated with me so I dropped it.

    Once we were done eating, we got to-go boxes and headed out to the car. 

    “Do you want to go shop some more or head home? Or we could do something else if you want.” I asked as we both hopped into the car.

   “Um… I don’t care. Do you need to be back by a certain time?” Skylar asked. I pulled out and got back on the highway.

  “No. Ryder went all out and made a room for Rylyn and she can sleep there if she gets tired.”

  “Okay well then do you want to go to a movie?”

  “Sure. Which one?” I asked. It was only about to 1:30, so I had time to spare.

  “I really want to see that new spider man movie! You know the one with Emma Stone.” She said.

  We decided on that movie and headed to the closest movie theater. Once we bought our tickets, we got popcorn, candy and went to find our seats. I texted Ryder to tell him that I wouldn’t be home right away and he said it was okay.


  The movie was really good and afterwards we went back to the car. We were almost there when I noticed something on the driver side’s window. It was another piece of paper with writing on it; the same writing as the other two.

     Dear Sweetpea,

           I see that your little boy toy’s brother is back in town. I also see that Skylar is taking an interest in him. Well that is good for her, but I do not want my daughter around those guys or Kinton’s son. I don’t want them brainwashing her or you. You should just come back to me. I am who you really belong with. I am the one you really need. And my daughter needs me too. I don’t mind if Skylar sees her, I am glad that we chose her for the god mother, but I don’t want her around Skylar when Ryder or Kinton are there. Now go have fun and enjoy your free time.

                                                                                                              Love, me

     Now this psycho was bringing in my friends? And he was even following me into other cities? This was getting way too far. I pulled out my wallet and then slid out the other two notes. They were written the same, started with dear and a nick name, ended with love, me. But this one was longer and at the beginning was written a little sloppy, like this person was getting really mad with me being with Ryder, which, they don’t have the right to be. Rylyn is not theirs.

    I slipped them back into my wallet, including then new one.

   I had shown the first one to Skylar but when I got the second one I didn't want to scare her so I just kept them to myself. We started driving back towards home when I decided to tell Skylar about the house.

  "Hey, can I tell you something?" I asked shyly. She said sure and I hesintly and quietly told her about the house.

  "Well, Ryder found a house... And he really likes it... And well he asked if after I graduated, if me and Rylyn would move in with him. I told him that I wanted to wait until after graduation because I didn't want any chance of someone finding out. So he is going to buy the house and durrning weekends while I stay at your house Rylyn is going to stay at our house so that way she will get used to living there."

  Skylar was quiet and it scared me. "You can say something now." She suddenly screamed and was jumping up and down in her chair.

  She abruptly stopped and turned towards me. "I better be your Maid of Honor." I laughed.

  "We aren't getting married. Yet.. We are only moving in together." 

   "I don't care. I know that at one point you guys will and I better be the Maid of Honor."

  "Well as long as I get to be your Maid of honnor at Kinton's and your wedding." Her face went pale.

  "We are not going to get married." Oh please. I let the subject drop anyway and just focused on driving.


Sorry it is kinda short and that I didn't get it up in the time I said it should be up, but here you go. Some just Skylar and Aara time. I don't know when the next chapter will be up, I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow and wont have time to work on it that much but maybe by wednesday.. maybe.. I should have 27 up.  Oh and sorry for any spelling mistakes the stupid spell check wasn't liking me today.

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