chapter 8

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Chapter 8

      As I walked into class Monday I had no clue how Ryder was going to act. I dropped the bomb on him Friday and didn’t give him a chance to say anything.

    I called Sky when I got home that night and had her come over. She stayed the night and I told her what happened between us.

      When I walked into first period the whole room was buzzing with everyone’s conversations. I walked to the back table and placed my purse and books on the floor beside it. When Aaron walked in he came and sat in the desk by me.

     “So did you get that homework done last night?”

     I knew my friends and with Aaron if he asks a question, any question at all, referring to homework most likely he didn’t do it and wants to copy off of yours.

      “Yes Aaron.” I said dragging the yes out.

     “Can I… um… you know… copy off yours?” He said sheepishly. I nodded and pulled out my work sheet.

    “Yes!! Thank you so much. I cant afford another missing assignment.” I nodded while smiling. Once The bell rang and I got out of that stupid class I headed strait to my locker. Sky popped up next to me and made me hit my head on the locker door.

     “Seriously what the hell is up with you?” I asked annoyed. She laughed.

   “Sorry Prego Hoe. So how’s Miss Rylyn doing?” she asked poking my stomach.

    “Why do you have to insist on poking my belly every time we see each other?” She just made the gesture I don’t know.

    “So have you told Baby Daddy what you have decided to name her? Or have you even told him it’s a girl?” She asked.

   “I told him that if he wants to be there for his daughter then go ahead but if not then to stay out of my life. And we have barely talked since then.” She nodded.

    “Why so harsh?” I looked at her like she was crazy.

    “And this is coming from the psychopath that told my mother her cooking was bad and tasted like penis.” She did too! My mom invited her and her mother over for diner and right in front of both of them she shouted that out. She finished the food any way

     She gave me the look that said I told you never to bring that up again and said, “Well it did! And she didn’t seem to mind much.”

   “Yeah because you didn’t have to get talked to about how hearing inappropriate things can lead to inappropriate actions.” She laughed. We headed to lunch and waited in line.

     “Hey kid why did you just push me?” I turned around to see Sky yelling at some short kid looking scared. We were in high school for Christ sake could she not grow up?

    I slapped her on the side of her head and then dragged her up by my. “Knock it off!” I said and then grabbed my food.

    I was sitting at the lunch table and I started having cramps in my stomach. They eventually stopped so I didn’t think anything of it. I finished my lunch and headed to Ryder’s room.

   I sat down and waited for everyone to file in. Ryder wasn’t in here or in his office in the back of the room. When Sky walked in she spotted me and hurried to the desk beside me.

   “Omg!!!! Please tell me you heard about Joey and Hannah?” She pushed the kid out of the desk and then through herself into it.

   “Really Sky? Is that necessary?” I asked her while apologizing to the kid, who was still sitting on the floor.

     “No I didn’t what about them?” I asked bored. Joey was the star quarterback and Hannah was the most nerdiest kid in school.

      “They hooked up! Like who saw that one coming? My bets on no one. Oh and I heard it was Joey’s first time but not Hannah’s.” I looked at her shocked.

   “You’ve got to be kidding!” She shook her head no and I laughed. Finally Ryder walked in and when his eyes met mine he gave me an apologetic smile. I suppose it was for calling me a cheater last week but you never know with him.

      After class was over I went home feeling really tired. As soon as I got home I went strait to bed and went to sleep.

    Its been almost four months since I told Ry about the baby being his. He has talked to me a total of three times as not student/teacher.  And none of it was about the baby or our conversation.

  I am now eight and a half months along and I was not feeling so great today. We were about half way through class when I started feeling nauseous.

  “Okay so I want you to copy this do-“

   “Mr. Jackson?” I asked.

   “Yes Miss Price?” He asked back. Before I could anything out I clutched my stomach in pain. I fell to my knees and Sky jumped to my side.

    “Aara? Oh My Gosh are you okay? Whats wrong? Is it the baby?” I honestly didn’t know but I did know I needed to get to a doctor right away.

   “I n-need to get to a d-d-doctor.” I stuttered. I heard her shout out she needs a doctor and the next thing I remember is waking up in a white room and aching all over.

   Ohhh what’s going on with the baby??? Let me know what you think!

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