chapter 6

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Chapter 6

  I walked calmly into his class room acting like nothing was wrong. “Hello class come, take a seat.” Ryder said. When he spotted me he looked like it was pain to see me. Well he should be he was a total jerk. I sat down in the back as Sky sat next to me.

    When the bell rang I was almost out the door before I heard my name. “ Aaralyn? Can I speak to you for a moment?” I grunted inside my head. Why cant he just leave me alone if he doesn’t have any feeling for me anymore.

    I looked at Sky pleading her to grab my arm and drag me to my car before he could say anything. She gave me a sorry look and backed out of the door. “I am so gonna kill you!” I mouthed at her before I turned around and headed back into the class room.

    “What do you want Ryder?” I asked after he shut the door. I had his back to me as he hunched over his desk.

   “I wanted to say that I’m sorry for how rude I was yesterday. But this does have to stop. You could get into trouble and I could loose my job. I don’t want that for either of us. Please understand.” He said finally turning around to look at me.

    “I don’t understand. Why would you want to give up on us? We could at least try to keep it going.” I told him.

   “Well try to. Its done, we’re done. I’m sorry Aara Bear.” I looked up at the name. There’s no way he would of said that if he didn’t still have some sort of feelings for me.

   “I didn’t mean that it just slipped.” He covered up his screw up quickly.

   “What ever Ry. Don’t talk to me anymore. Bye.” I walked past him accidentally bumping into his shoulder.

   “Bye. Aara Bear.” I stopped in the door way not turning around.

   “And don’t call me that.” I walked out the door heading towards my car. Since I was 18 and a senior and I had all my credits I didn’t half to stay for the rest of the day.

   Once I got in my car I let out a frustrated scream. He said he didn’t want anything anymore but all it seemed like to me was him playing with my head. And I couldn’t take it; no I wasn’t going to take it.

    I was going to act like it didn’t hurt me to sit in his class knowing I couldn’t get up and hug him. Or for him to comfort me. I could do it.

   I got home and went strait to my room. I went to go lay in my bed when my stomach started to flip. I ran to my bathroom and puked my guts up again. I only felt like this in the morning and some afternoons.

   I also gained a couple of pounds but I don’t know how that possible since I puked up most of what I ate. After I was done I went into my room and slowly layed on my bed. As I went over all that me and Ry did together my brain went to that moment in that cabin on the back of his property.

   “Are you sure?” He asked me. I nodded. He made love to me that night and he even told me he loved me. How could he just take those feeling back?

    Wait! “Holy Shit!” I yelled as I sat up in the bed. I pulled my pone out of my bag and call Sky.

    “Hello?” She said as she answered the phone.

     “I need a huge favor!”


   That one little sign held my whole future in its hands. I was hoping it would like me and give me a break but nothing ever goes my way. When it finally popped up on the screen I almost passed out.

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