chapter 7

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Chapter 7

  I walked into school and everyone was asking about my ultrasound yesterday. “So what is it?” Everyone kept asking.

   “It’s a girl!” Everyone squealed. I think everyone else was more excited than even I was. After lunch I walked into Ry’s room and sat at my desk.

   “So you never really told us who the baby daddy is?” Some one asked. I froze.

    “Well.. Um… we met over summer and he doesn’t want to be a dad so yeah.” Well half that was true.

   “Liar!” Sky whispered my ear. I gave her the ‘don’t even go there’ look and she turned around.

   Class started and I was so happy to get out of there when the bell rang. But I’m not that lucky.

   “Miss. Price? Can I talk to you for a minute?” Ryder said as I was almost out the door. I turned around and walked back in shutting the door behind me.

    “I see you’ve moved on.” He said looking at my stomach. Was he jealous?

   “Yeah, I guess you could say that. What do you want? I’d like to get home.” I said. Even I could hear the bitterness and heart break coming out in my voice.

   “I wanted to ask you how you’re doing. I haven’t talked to you in a while.” He said looking at the floor. Okay he can’t do this to me.

  “And whose fault is that? Oh yeah yours. Why do you keep doing this to me?” I said trying to get him to look at me.

   “Doing what? I ain’t doing anything to you.”

  “Yes you are! You are saying one thing the showing me you don’t mean it. You say you don’t have feeling for me anymore but then you ask how I’m doing. And when you found out that I was pregnant you were going around giving every guy in the school the fucking stink eye! I know you well enough to see through the jealousy. And you need to stop. If you don’t want to be together then stop playing with my emotions.” I ranted at him.

   “How far along are you?” He asked.

   “Almost four months.” I answered. We were still dating four months ago and he thinks the baby is someone else’s.

  “Get out! Right now!” He shouted at me. I flinched and stepped back.

  I started for the door and opened it ready to walk out. But before I did I turned my head just enough to be able to see the furious look on his face.

   “I didn’t cheat on you. I loved you. I still do. I always will. It’s your baby. Mine. Ours. Be there for your daughter if you’d like. Other wise just please stay out of our life.” And with that I walked out of his room, the school and all while he heart was silently breaking inside.

Okay I know this chapter is short but I felt like the way I wrote it it should stop there so yeah let me know if you like it.

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