chapter 24

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Okay Kinton's POV!! I hope you like it!


  Chapter 24

  Kintons POV:  

 As I drove down the road, Skylar sat in the passenger seat pouting. I smiled to myself as she just sat there thinking that I was driving her strait to hell. And no I am not a mind reader its what she said.

  "Your just gonna keep driving me strait to hell, aren't you? And you weren't even going to tell me either? That's nice. God your such an ass!" I just laughed.

  "I know you are going to love were I am taking you. Just trust me." I heard her mumble, 'Why should I? You slapped my ass. Twice!' I just laughed quietly to myself. Why was she so stubborn?

  I pulled up to the building and got out of the car. I walked over to the other side and opened it. Skylar got out and just stared at the building. 

  "You brought me to a pool?" She asked in disbelief. I nodded. "It's like 50 something degrees out here! And it's not even open!" I laughed.

  "That's the fun part." I grabbed her wrist and started dragging her towards the building.

  "Okay you must have mental condition called Mental Dumb-ass!" She yelled trying to get away from me. I grabbed her waist and through her over my shoulder. "Let me go Shrek!!"

  "Hey! I am not fat nor green! Plus the Shrek movies are awesome. Shrek was my idol!" I yelled out.

  I carried her through the doors and nodded to Jimmy, my old friend from when I worked here.

 "What's up Jimmy!? I haven't seen you in forever." He fist bumped mine and looked at the person laying over my shoulder.

  "I'm good. Who's your friend?" I was going to answer but she beat me to it.

  "I am no friend of his!" I think she gave up hitting my back because she just layed slack over my shoulder.

  "This is Skylar, Skylar this is Jimmy. He's one of my old highschool buddys. We used to work here together."

  "I can't see him." She said flatly. Oh yeah! Ha-ha forgot.

  I sat her down and she turned around looking at Jimmy. "Hello." She said holding her hand out to him. He shook her hand.

  "Jimmy. So what are you guys here for today?" He said turning towards me.

  "Just a quick swim." I said.

  "Uh.. wait! I don't want to swim. It's like freezing cold out side." She shouted at me.

  "Oh have a little fun! Now," I reached under the desk and grabbed two life guard swimming suits from the self, "go put this on and meet me by the pool. Oh Jimmy, what time were you planing to leave?"

  "Um.. in about thirty minutes." I started towards the guys' changed room.

  "Okay well just leave the keys and I will lock up." He nodded and went back to doing what ever he was doing on one of the computers. "Skylar, when I come back out you better be changed." I gave her a stern look then smiled and headed off into the changing room.

  I changed and the went out the other side to the pool and found Skylar sitting on one of the benches.

  "You take longer than a girl." I just laughed.

  "Okay, now follow me." I started towards the diving boards.

  "No I changed but I am not swimming in that cold water. I don't want to get sick."

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