chapter 12

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     Chapter 12

   “Honey I’m heading out to the store is there anything you need?” My mom shouted from down the hall. Her voice echoed through my open door.

  “Um I need some dippers and some formula but that’s about it.” I yelled back as I finished up on my homework that Skylar brought over at lunch.

   “Okay sweetie.” I heard the door shut and so I went back to my homework. Rylyl cooed in her crib and I couldn’t help but get up and go play with her.

   I brought her into the living room and sat in the floor with her. After about 15 minutes my phone started ringing from upstairs. I picked up Rylyn and sat her in the pack-N-play and ran upstairs to get my phone.

   The caller ID said Ryder.

   “Hello?” I asked as I walked back down the stairs. I went into the kitchen, grabbed a cup of V8 juice, I think it was the fruit kind, and then went back to the living room.

   “How’s my baby?” Ryder asked from the other side of the phone.

   “She’s good but I thought you were supposed to be in class?” I asked confused.

    “No this is my plan period.” Oh.

     I held the phone between my shoulder and ear so I could pick up Rylyn then sat back in the floor. I turned on the TV and put on Oswald, the blue octopus.

    Rylyn was playing with some toys that were scattered in the messy living room.

   “So what is she doing?” He asked. His voice sounded generally interested. I looked down at her as she just stared at the talking octopus.

   “Watching a blue, dancing, talking octopus and his Weiner dog that looks like a hotdog!”  I laughed into the phone.

   I could hear him laughing on the other side of the phone and thought to myself how much I missed hearing his laugh.

   “Oh I have seen that show!” I started laughing. A grown man watched little kids shows?

   We talked about Rylyn and kiddy shows a bit longer and then my mom came through the door.

  “Oh! Hey honey. Who are you talking to?”

   “I have to go. Talk to you later.” I hung up the phone and hopped up off the floor with Rylyn in my arms.

  “Oh it was just Skylar. She wanted to know how little Lynny was doing here.” I hadn’t realized I used Ryder’s nickname for Rylyn until my mom looked at me funny.

   “Lynny? When did you come up with that nickname?” she asked. I couldn’t exactly tell her the truth so I switched it up a little.

  “Umm…. Well it just kinda popped in my head this afternoon.”

   I grabbed the dippers and the formula and went over to the counter. After I put the formula on the counter with the bottles I went upstairs and put the dippers up. As I was walking up the stairs my phone started to ring in my pocket.


  “Hey it’s me. How is Rylyn doing?” Skylar said into the phone.

  “Good. And hey um do you think that you could watch her for a little bit I want to go over and talk to Ryder?” I asked her.

   “Yeah I’d love to but what about your mom?”

  I would’ve liked for my mom to watch her but then she would ask where I’m going and I can’t tell her. I mean come on its not like I can just walk up and say ‘hey mom can you watch Rylyn so I can go over to my teachers house and talk about moving in together then maybe suck face too. Oh and by the way he’s also my daughter’s father.’

   “I’ll tell you later. So can you?”

   “Yeah I’ll be over in a bit to get her.”

   She hung up and I went to go change Rylyn’s dipper.


   I know this is short but the next one will be way longer and hopefully way more interesting!(;

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