chapter 10

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 I know I havnt uploaded in awhile but I am now. I hope most of you are still reading this. To me I think its starting to get boring but I'm gonna try to make it more exciting. I also have a new idea and I hope to start writing in soon so here you go! Enjoy!!! 

Chapter 10

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. He walked closer and I held Rylyn closer to me.

  “You told me that if I wanted to be apart of my daughters life then I need to step up. And that’s what I’m doing but its not just her life I want to be apart of its yours too. I love you and I’m so sorry for yelling at you and how rude I was to you. I was just scared that if we got caught that you were going to get in trouble and I didn’t want that to happen.”

   My eyes were filled with tears. I didn’t want to for give him so easily but I did believe him. “I love you too. Would you like to hold her?” He nodded and cam over closer.

   “What did you name her?” He asked as he lifted Rylyn from my arms.


  “It’s a mixture of our names. Rylyn.” He looked at her like she was his world. I watched as he rocked her back and forth. He came and sat on the chair next to my bed. Soon Rylyn was asleep.

   Ryder started singing a song that was to low for me to make out the words but at the end I could here him whispered, “Goodnight and sweet dreams Lynny.”  


    Tears fell out my eyes and I tried to wipe them before he could see. My phone went off and I looked down. Sly had texted me back.

  “You have gotta be shittin me!”

  “I have to go. Text u later”

  Ryder lent up and brushed a tear off of my face. I avoided his eyes and fiddled with my fingers. Once Rylyn was asleep he gently lade her down on the crib thing.

  “Aaralyn? Look at me.” He lifted my chin up to so he could look me in the eye, as he sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Its not fair! Its not fair for me to hate you when you sit there and act like the perfect father to Rylyn and even sit there and call her Lynny. And its not fair for us because you are my teacher and we cant raise our daughter together.” I said as I cried more.

   My eyes were filled with tears and I closed them trying to keep in the rest of tears from falling. I felt something soft and moist press against my lips. I soon recognized the taste of Ryder’s lips and I kissed back.

  It wasn’t like our other kisses it was slow and filled with love. He gently pulled away and opened his eyes to look at me.

  “I love you and I will do anything to be with you and help out with our daughter. Maybe we could get an apartment in another town or you could come live with me or bring Rylyn over on the weekends.” He said.

  “I don’t know we will have to talk about it but I’m going to be in here for a few more days bc Rylyn was born a couple of weeks early so could you come back tomorrow?”

  He nodded and say yes then kissed me good by and said good bye to Rylyn. “I do love you, I never stopped so don’t think I never did.” I nodded and then he left.

  As soon as he stepped out of the room and shut the door I just let all my tears run down my face.

   He really did love me. And he did want to help with our daughter. I don’t know how I got so lucky; I didn’t even really deserve him.


   Sky texted me and told me she was almost to the hospital. School was over and she wanted to come see Rylyn. I texted her after Ryder left and told her what he said. I heard a nock and Sky walked in bringing me some Mc Donalds since my stomach was totally empty.

   “Oh gosh thank you! You are a freaking life saver.” I said as I ate the greasy fries and cheese burger. We talked and she held Rylyn while I ate.

  “So what have I been missing at school?” I asked as I sipped my soda.

  “Well Susanna went to jail. She got caught with drugs at school. Mariana and Brent finally got together.  And Josh hooked up with Chelsea and then dumped her.”

  “So what you saying is I haven’t missed much?” A lot worse things have happened at our school so that is like someone dumping someone compared to the other stuff.


  We talked some more and she gave me my homework, which I worked on while Rylyn was asleep. When I got done with most of it I went to bed.

   When I woke up I had to feed Rylyn and then work on some more homework. I had a ton to do.


      Ryders POV:

 As I walked into class Wednesday all I could think of was my two girls who were sitting in the hospital and I was stuck at this school. As the day went on I couldn’t take it anymore. I went to find Skylar to get all of my Aara Bear’s homework.

  “Hey Skylar. Can I talk to you for a minute?” She nodded.

  “Yeah Mr. Jackson?”

    “I want to take off before lunch and go see Aara. I don’t know if she told you-“ she cut me off.

  “Yeah she told me you went to the hospital and she is so confused right now. You do one thing and then you say another. And I will say one thing if you do anything to hurt her or Rylyn I personally will chop off your man balls and shove them down your throat. Got it?” I nodded. She was kinda scary.

  “I understand and I know how I acted and I also plan to change that. I want to be there for her and our daughter. What I was going to ask you was if I could have her homework so I could take it to her.” She nodded and pulled it out of her bag.

   I thanked her and went to turn around when she spoke again. “And you might want to take her some food. She really hates that hospital mush crap that they give her.” She gave me a small smile and I smiled back.

   I hopped in my car and drove down the road.

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