chapter 32

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Chapter 32

 Ryder's POV:

   I have been waiting patiently ever since Aaralyn walk out that door, which has been for over two hours now.

  "Will some one please tell me where my girlfriend is!" I yelled out all of the officers just kept rushing around and yelling at other people to do this or telling them what was going on but I was told to sit in the back room and wait.

   Finally Tim came into the room. "Your back! Where's Aara and Rylyn?" I asked noticing that he was by him self.

  "Your daughter is fine but as for Mrs. Jackson..." I didn't like the sound of that.

  "What? What aren't you people telling me!?" He just gestured for my to follow him, so I did hoping I would get some answers. I swear to God if that bastard hurt Aaralyn in any way I am going to chop his balls off!

   Time led me past the desks' and out the front door. An ambulance was sitting out side flashing its red and blue lights all over the buildings across the street. I did not take that as a good sign.

  As I looked around the scene I noticed a women with straight blond hair and bright green eye's holding a little girl with black hair and blue eyes. The women was clearly not Aaralyn but she had my daughter so maybe she had some answers.

   The fact that I needed answers scared me. Aaralyn should be the one carrying Rylyn towards me, not some lady, presumly a social worker, which also was not a good sign, while she smiled and hugged me. I just kept thinking the worst. And the worst was that she was dead.

   Just thinking about it made tears come to my eyes. I rushed over to the lady and picked Rylyn up. When she saw me she started giggleing and it was so nice to hear that noise. I hadn't heard it in days.

  "Oh Rylyn! Daddy has missed you so much." I pulled back to look at her and noticed that she had a faint bruise on her cheek and a cut on her left arm.

    "What the hell did he do to you!?" I raised my voice a little. Rylyns smile disappeared and I hugged her to me again. "I love you so much."

  "Da!" She said and I pulled her back again to look at her face. That was the first time she has ever said Da. I smiled.

   "That's right baby." My happiness was short lived though because of the question I had to ask next. "What happened to Aara? Because I know she wouldn't leave Rylyn alone right after she just got her back." The lady with the blond hair looked down.

   I turned to Tim. There was a similar look on his face.

  "What happened?" I asked again with more force in my voice. I may have sounded strong and okay but on the inside I was still thinking the worse and there faces didn't help my thoughts at all.

  "She got shot." Tim said at last. The tears threatened to come out of my eyes but I didn't really want to cry in front of a police officer.

   "Well, is she okay? Where is she?" I asked trying to get more information.

  "She's okay for now. She's in the hospital. She'll have to stay there for about a week. We can take you there now but Rylyn wont be allowed to go in. Do you have any one you could call to come get her?"

   I thought for a moment.  "Yeah hold on let me go call them." I walked over to the side walk and up the stairs of the police station as the phone rang. Rylyn was still in my arms.

   "Hello? What happened? Did we get her back?" Skylar asked.

  "Yeah I'm holding her right now. She has a bruise on the side of her face and a small cut on her arm, but that's about it. I need you to come get her though. I have to go to the hospital. Aara got shot." When I heard Skylar gasp and repeat what I said to Kinton, I lost a couple of tears. As they came down my face I thought about how it could be worse and I should be lucky that God hadn't taken either of them out of my life.

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