chapter 3

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  Chapter 3

“Hello.” Ryder said as I opened the door. “You look beautiful!” I blushed and grabbed my purse.

    “You don’t look to bad yourself. So where are we going again?” I asked as I stepped out and shut the door.

   “I thought we would go to this little coffee shop down town. Oh and why were you thinking about me and you in bed?” I blushed again and shook my head mumbling ways how I was going to kill Skylar.

    “That was Skylar.” He gave me a confused look. “ You know the crazy best friend?” He shook understanding. He walked me to his car and opened the door for me. His car smelt just like him and it put butterflies in my stomach. Now I was thinking about us in bed.

When we got to the coffee shop he got out and opened my door before I could. Once we got inside we ordered then went to sit at the park across the street. “So where are you from?” Ryder asked me.

    “I live right out side of New York. In Vermont.” I told him. “You?” I took a sip of my coffee and thought about how tomorrow was our last day here and probably the last time I will ever see Ryder.

   “I live in southern New York. I just came up here for that one concert. Kinton, their regular drummer is my brother and he had to stay home for a while because his son was sick. So he asked if I would fill in for this one concert.” I nodded in understanding.

   “Oh. Well tomorrows our last day here and then were back off to Vermont for a month before school starts back up again.” I told him looking down not wanting to see what he was thinking.

     “Oh. Well I really like you and would like to get to know you more. Do you think I could take you out again tomorrow night and you leave Sunday morning?” he asked. I so wished I could stay a lot longer but I knew I couldn’t.

     “My mom wants me back home and I don’t think she would let me stay longer. But how about either I drive to your hometown or you drive to mine and we could show each other good places to eat?” I asked hoping he would say yes.

     He smiled and shook his head, “I think that would be great! Well you have my number and I have yours so call me when you get home and I will see what we can do?”

     “Yeah. Well I should get back to Skylar she has either tore up the hotel or has gotten her self locked out of the room by now.” We got up and he took me back to the hotel. Like the first time he opened all doors for me and walked me to my room.

    “Well I’ll see you later.” He bent down and kissed my check. My knees went week and my breath got caught in my throat. When he pulled away he smiled at me and began to walk off down the hall. But stopped before he even got half way down it. “Aaralyn?”

    “Yeah?” I asked confused. He jogged back and crashed his lips to mine. I was too shocked to react at first but than began moving my lips with his. After a couple of seconds he pulled away slowly and my eyes where still shut.

    “Sorry I couldn’t help my self.” He kissed me again but this time it was gentler then pulled away. I opened my eyes and looked strait into his. “Now I can go.” He said and then walked off down the hall.

     I slowly opened up the door not going in till I couldn’t see him anymore. I turned around and jumped. “I saw that! He totally likes you!!!” Skylar yelled right into my face. I slapped her in the arm and she grabbed it with her hand. “What was that for?!”

     “For scarring me!” I slapped her again. Harder this time too.

     “What was that one for?!”

     “For the fucking message!” She then smiled and I just grunted going to slip on some comfy clothes.

I lay in my bed checking my email and trying to relax but Skylar was playing a game on her phone and kept yelling at it every time she died. I threw a pillow at her head and she threw it back at me.

   “What are you playing anyway?” I asked her. She ignored me because she was playing the game again so I threw the pillow at her face again.

      “You made me die! What do you want hobo?” I looked at her with a face that probably said ‘really? You’ve got to be kidding me!’.

    “A hobo. Is that really all you could thing of?” She looked pissed off so I got to the real question. “I said what are you play anyway?”

   “Temple run.” She looked back at her phone. I got up and went to turn on the TV. I layed in my bed for the rest of the night listening to Skylar scream at her phone.

                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A month later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     “So are we still on for tonight babe?” Ryder asked me. Its been a month since the concert and me and Ryder have been dating. 

   “Yeah. Hey I got to go but I cant wait to see you tonight. I'm gonna hate going back to school because I wont get to see you every night.” In three weeks we go back to school. Its my senior year and I cant wait to go to collage. I'm going to major in veterinarian school and Skylar is majoring in teaching. I honestly don’t know why she hates school as it is so why would she want to teach it?

     “Kay. I will pick you up at 7.” I said okay and we hung up. I went to my closet and got dressed. My phone went off while I was in the bathroom.

     ‘Hey meet me at the park down the street I need to talk to you.’

   The message was from Sky. I texted back a quick okay and went down stares to tell my mom I was leaving.

    “Mom I’m going out! I’ll be back later okay?” I shouted. I didn’t give her time to answer back before I was out the door and running down the side walk and in to Ry’s arms.


     So that is the third chapter I will either have the big OMG moment to happen in the next chapter or in the 5th chapter. But do you like?? Let me know please!!!!!!!!

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