chapter 13

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    I know I havent updated in forever andb  know this is kinda short but I know you guys are gonna love me when its over!!!! (Note sarcasm)


Chapter 13

  “Aara!!! Skylars here!” My mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

   I buckled Lynny into her car seat and grabbed my purse and the dipper bag.

   “Mom I’m going over to Skylar’s house okay? I probably wont be back till late.” I told her as I came down the stairs.

   “Umm I don’t think so! You are not taking Rylyn and keep her out that late.” She disagreed.

  “Mom, I’m only gonna be out till 8. And I’ll put her down for a nap at Sky’s.” I said as I walked out the door.

  “Gees! I didn’t think we were gonna get out of there with out her calling the cops!”

   I laughed as I buckled in the car seat into Sky’s car.  Skylar started up the car and backed out of my drive way.

    “Okay so explain.” She demanded me.

    “Well me and Ryder need to decide how we are gonna make this work so I need you to watch Lynny so we can talk.”

   “Awww I like the nickname! And I am so happy that you guys are going to try and make this work out! You guys are such a cute couple.” She gushed.

  “Yeah the nickname was Ryder’s I didn’t mean to say it. It just comes out.” I told her. She kept talking and wouldn’t shut up. I looked down at my phone to see what time it was.

  “Hey turn here.” I said. She pulled up to Ryder’s house and I got out.

  “Mommy will see you later baby. I love you.” I said as I bent down and kissed Rylyn’s forehead. I slowly walked up to the door and knocked.

   Ryder opened the door up and let me in.

  I slowly walked to the couch and sat down.

  “Where’s Lynny?” He asked as he walked into the living room.

  “Skylar is going to watch her so we can talk.”

    “Okay. So are we going to get back together or how is this going to work?” I looked down at my hands and twined my fingers through each other.

   “I… umm… think we should get back together. You know just for Rylyn.”

   “Me too! But just for Rylyn.” I could hear the happiness in his voice and I smiled knowing that he still loved me. Or at least still cared.

  He lent in and kissed my hand never taking his eyes off mine. I crabbed his face and pulled his head up to my eye level. “I never stopped loving you.” I whispered so low I could barley hear my self.

  I could tell he heard me though because he smiled and whispered back, “Me either.” Then he kissed me. My lips fell into sync with his as we kissed. He laid us back on the couch so I was straddling him.

   I pulled back and looked at his face. “I’ve missed you. So, so much but could we maybe just watch a movie or something. I have to leave within a couple hours to get Rylyn back home and if we do this I wont be able to make my self leave your arms.”

  He nodded and I laid my head on his chest. We put in a movie and when it was over I called Skylar to come get me and take me and Rylyn home.

   I said goodnight to my mother and went upstairs to put Rylyn in her to bed.

   “Good night sweet girl. Mommy loves you.” I crawled up in bed and fell asleep dreaming about what a perfect family Ryder, Rylyn, and I would make.

    I walked into school and went to my locker. As people walked around me and to their classes I pulled out my books and all the trash in my locker and separated it as the trash went into the trash can and the books went on the floor.

   I rocked Rylyn in her car seat with my foot as she cooed up at me. I bent down and unbuckled her and lifted her up into my arms.

   Every one kept coming up and saying how cute she was and stuff like that. Skylar was about to beat down some one that asked if she could hold Rylyn.

   “Could I have Aaralyn Price come to room 632? Again could I have Aaralyn Price come to room 632 please?” I heard over the big intercom.

  Skylar looked at me. “Do you want me to keep her?”

  “No that’s Ryder’s room and he probably wants to see her.” Skylar nodded and I carried Rylyn down the hall. No one was going to steal a car seat. I knocked on Ryder’s door and I heard him say come in.

   I slowly opened up the door and saw the principle, councilor, and Ryder standing in the middle of the room.

  “I’m glad you brought the baby but you should have left her at home.” The principle said.

  “Umm why? I told every one that I would bring her so they could see her and you told me it was okay.” I was confused.

   “I know but now that I know the real reason you wanted to bring her I don’t think it’s a good idea.” That was the real reason. What was he talking about?

  “Um… I’m a little confused. What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about you having a child with your teacher.”


     Kay so who hates me? Its gonna get better just trust me.


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