chapter 25

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  Chapter 25

    Skylar's POV:

  As I climbed into Kinton's bed I could smell this aftershave and cologne. I fell asleep real easy, that is until I heard a little voice come from my left.

  "Daddy?" Chase called out.

  "Sweetie, your daddy is in the living room on the couch. What's wrong?" I asked as I could tell he had been crying.

  "I had a bad dream." Oh.

  "Do you want to talk about it? What was it about?" I asked sitting up and turning on the bed side lamp.

 Chase climbed up and I wrapped my arms around him to comfort him. "I had a dream that bad guys came and took Daddy away and then I had to go live with Mommy and she was really mean to me." Gosh. If I could I would go hurt that women for making her son hurt so much.

 "It's okay. It was just a dream. No one is going to take your daddy away. I promise. Do you want to sleep here with me? Or do you want me to go wake your daddy up and you guys can come in and sleep here?" I asked.

  "Can I just sleep with you? I don't want to wake Daddy up." I nodded and moved over so he could lay down. I shut the lamp off and layed my head back on the pillow.

  Chase rolled over and cuddled up agaisnt my side so I put my arm on his back and rubbed his back.

  When I woke up the next morning Chase was still curled up to my side. I slowly got up trying not to wake him and walked towards the door. I opened it slowly trying not to let it creak and slipped out then shut it back behind me.

  "Well good morning." I jumped.

 "What the hell! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Kinton just smiled and handed me a mug with some hot coffee in it.

  We walked back to the kitchen and I sat on top of the island while he lent up against the opposite counter.

  "Chase came into your room last night looking for you. He had a bad dream and I let him sleep with me. I hope you don't mind." He just shook his head and his smile faded.

  "Yeah, it's fine. He has been having them lately."

 "This one was about some bad guys that came and took you away then he had to go live with his mom and she was mean to him." I told Kinton about the dream.

  "Yeah they have all been like that."

 "So, can I use your phone to call Aara so she can come and get me?" I asked.

 "I can take you home. But you will have to wait till Chase gets up." I told him okay.

 We sat there for a while and I saw Kinton's eyes wonder down to my legs. I realized all I had on was one of his t-shirts and it didn't cover that much of my legs.

  "I can go get my clothes from the bath room.." I said getting up off of the island. When I jumped down the shirt came up and showed my underwear.

  "No, it's fine." Kinton came over to me and put one of his hands on my hips. I could feel the heat from his hand through the thin material of the t-shirt.

  "I like what you are wearing now."

  "I am going to have to change any way." I said smiling slightly.

 "Yes but you can change later. Right now I would like you to stay in what you are in now."  He stepped closer and put his other hand on my cheek.

  "And why should I?" He just smiled like he already knew I was going to ask the question.

 "Because you want this." I scoffed but it wasn't that believe able because my cheek's filled with color.

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